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Illustrations of Scandinavian Costume and Soldiers
Berserkers on a Bronze Matrix for Helmet Plaques. Bjornhouda, Oland, Sweden, 6th century. Statens Historiska Museum, Stockholm.
Guldgubbe depicting a staff bearer with a beard. Vendel period. Sorte Muld, Bornholm, Denmark.
Guldgubbe depicting a drinker. Vendel period. Sorte Muld, Bornholm, Denmark.
'Sigurd’s Helmet', Vendel, Sweden, 7th century
Finland: the Viking Ages by Kristian Ola
Shield-wall on a Tapestry from the Viking Oseberg Burial, Tønsberg, Vestfold, Norway, 9th Century
Shield-wall on a 'Hogback tombstone', Viking, Gosforth, Cumbria, England, 10th century
Vikings on a Runestone called Ledbergsstenen, 11th century. Ledbergs, Östergötland, Sweden.
A Danish Crusader Knight on the Vejerslev Effigial, 12th century
Scandinavian Knight on the Baldishol Tapestry, Hedmark, Norway, 12th century
Sigurd the Dragon Slayer from the portal of Hylestad Stave Church, Setesdal, 12th century
Sigurd kills Regin, Hylestad stave church door, Norway, 12th century
Chessmen from Uig, Lewis, western isles of Scotland, c.1150-1175
Altar from Broddetorp Parish Church, 12th century, Västergötland, Sweden
Carved Relief of Scandinavian Warriors Fighting, Grötligbo Church, late 12th century, Sweden
Murder of Thomas Becket on the font in Lyngsjo Church, Scania, southern Sweden, late 12th century
Scandinavian Knights on the Valthjofsstadir Church Door, Iceland, c. 1200 AD
Seal of Karl "Döve" Bengtsson, Sweden, early 13th century
Knights in 'The Story of St Mary of Antioch', Ål Church, Norway, mid 13th century
Effigy of Bjorn Finsson, Trondheim Cathedral, Trondheim, Sør-Trøndelag, Norway, 1280
Norwegian Effigies of knights, Nidaros Cathedral, Trondheim, late 13th century
'Massacre of the Innocents', Dädesjö Church ceiling paintings, Småland, Sweden, late 13th century
St Maurice as a Knight on a Reliquary, Lögon Monastery, Denmark, c.1300
Legend of the True Cross. Painted altar frontal, Stave Church at Eide in Norway, 1310AD. Bergen Museum.
Effigy of Nils Jonsson, St Mary’s Church, Sigtuna, Uppland, Sweden, 1316
Swedish Knights on wall paintings from the Church at Södra Råda in Sweden, 1323AD
Hardenberg’s Codex, Norway, early 14th century
Scenes from the Life of Saint Olaf, Altar, Nidaros Cathedral, Trondheim, Norway, first half of the 14th century
Illuminations from the collection of Icelandic sagas, the Flateyjarbók, 14th century
Effigy of Duke Christopher of Denmark, d.1363, Roskilde Cathedral, Denmark
Legend of the 12th century Crusade of Erik IX of Sweden to Finland, Nousiainen Church, c.1415-20
Soldiers in a wall painting in Brönnestad Church, Scania, Sweden, c. 1440
Hällestad Church Frescoes, Torna Hällestad, Scania, Sweden, c.1460AD
Frescos in Kumla church, Sweden, by Albertus Pictor, 1482 AD.
Massacre of the innocents. Danish soldiers in wall paintings in Elmelunde Church, Møn, Denmark, late 15th century
Drawings made c.1502 of Swedes, Danes and German Mercenary Landsknechts, Västergötland, Sweden, by Paul Dolnstein.
Guard at the Holy Sepulchre. Finnish-Swedish soldier in a wall painting in Rimito Church, Finland, c.1520
Gethsemane Scene with Soldiers Represented as Danish. Fresco in Birket Church, Lolland Island, Denmark, c.1520.
Renaissance Warfare 'Part 20: the Swedish army', by George Gush