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Illuminations from
Hardenberg's Codex
Norway, early 14th century

Lower margin of folio 2v
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Initial letter on folio 9v
Dette blandingshåndskrift fra det 14.-16. århundrede der bl.a. indeholder Kong Magnus lagabøters norske landslov, antages at være udført i Bergen i starten af 1300-tallet.
This composite manuscript from the 14th-16th century includes in particular King Magnus the Law-Mender's Norwegian law of the country, it is assumed to have been made in Bergen in the early 1300s.
The manuscript consists of 102 leaves on parchment (26.2 x 18.7 cm.)
National Library of Denmark and Copenhagen University Library: GKS 1154 2 º
Swedish Knights on wall paintings from the Church at Södra Råda in Sweden, 1323AD
Illuminations from the collection of Icelandic sagas, the Flateyjarbók, 14th century
Other Illustrations of Scandinavian Costume and Soldiers
Other 14th Century Illustrations of Costume & Soldiers