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16th century resources:
Renaissance Warfare by George Gush
Saladin by Cristofano dell'Altissimo portrayed as a 15th-16th century Mamluke Sultan in the nāʿūrah turban with horns
Jan Zizka leading his troops & other images, 'Jena Codex', Hussite, early 16th century Bohemia
Engraved sabre-scabbard chape of 1500 with an image of a Serbian or Hungarian hussar?
Persian & Ottoman Soldiers in a Persian Shahnama of 1501
Swedes, Danes and German Mercenary Landsknechts by Dolnstein, drawn c.1502, Västergötland, Sweden.
Die Schlacht im Walde, Nuremberg, Germany, 1502. Germanischen Nationalmuseum Gm579.
Coat-of-arms of the Máriássi family from Márkusfalva (Markuovce), Slovakia, 1504 - a Hungarian knight with mace
Italian Soldiers in The Crucifixion by Luca Signorelli, Umbria, Italy, c.1504/1505
Italian Soldiers in a Fresco by Pinturicchio, Piccolomini Library, Duomo, Siena, Italy, 1502-08
Frederick III Crowning Enea Silvio Piccolomini by Pinturicchio, Siena, Italy, 1502-08
A 1506 print of the Battle of Fornovo, Italy, 1495
Christ Carrying the Cross, by The Master MS, Hungary, 1506
Louis XII and his uniformed guard in Les Alarmes de Mars sur le voyage de Milan, 1507, BnF MS Français 5089
Young Knight in a Landscape, Italy, 1510, by Vittore Carpaccio
Portrait Of A Florentine In Armour c.1510 attributed to Francesco Granacci
Mamluks in 'The reception of Ambassador Domenico Trevisiano at Damascus', painting by Gentille Bellini school, 1511
The Passion of Christ by Albrecht Dürer, 1510-1515
Swiss Schutzenfahn (Shooter's Flag) with Arquebus & Crossbow Motifs, 1513
The Bal Krishna Temple Complex, 1513, Hazari Ram Temple, Hampi, India
Tapestry which depicts the siege of Dijon, France, by the Swiss in 1513.
Military Developments of the Sixteenth Century, by Andrew Murdin
Flemish Tapestry which depicts the siege of Dijon, France, by the Swiss in 1513.
Coat-of-arms of the Radak family, Hungary, 1514, with an arquebusier
Spanish & Moorish Soldiers in Conquest of Oran, 1509, painted by Juan de Borgońa, 1514
Battle of Krbava in Croatia, 1530, by Leonhard Beck, c.1514-6
French & Genoese soldiers in Le Voyage de Gęnes (The Journey to Genoa) by Jean Marot, 1510-1520
Statue of Sv. Juraj / St. George & the Dragon, Levočaa, Slovakia, c.1515
'Treatise on the Art of War' by Bérault Stuart. France, c.1508-1525. Yale University, Beinecke MS 659.
Swiss soldiers of the Renaissance by Urs Graf
The tomb effigy of tefan Mariái, Markuovce, Slovakia, 1516
Emperor Maximilian I's "The Adventures of the Knight Theuerdank", 1517
An Aventurier Soldier in Le Sacre, couronnement et entrée de Madame Claude Royne de France, Paris, c.1517. BnF Fr.5750
Hungarian Hussar Trophy by Albrecht Dürer, 1518
'French Crusaders at Damietta' in le Noir's 1518 edition of Les Passaiges doultremer faitz par les Francoys by Sébastien Mamerot
Entry of Charles VIII into Florence by Francesco Granacci, 1518
Tomb Effigy of Perényi Imre, died 1519. Palatine (nádor) of the Kingdom of Hungary
Guard at the Holy Sepulchre. Finnish-Swedish soldier in a wall painting in Rimito Church, Finland, c.1520
A Gethsemane Scene with Soldiers Represented as Danish. A Fresco in Birket Church, Lolland Island, Denmark, c.1520.
Illustration of Irish warriors by Albrecht Durer, 1521
Illustrations by Hans Burkmar in The Triumph of Maximilian
Irish warriors, 'DRAVN AFTER THE QVICKE', early 16th century
Ottomans, Persians and Mamluks in the Selīm-nāma, c.1521-24. Topkapi Sarayi Museum, MS. Hazine 1597-8.
Illustrations from the 1522-40 Shahnama of Shah Tahmasp of Persia from the fragment in the MCA, Tehran.
Illustrations from the 1522-40 Shahnama of Shah Tahmasp of Persia from other fragments.
French Gensdarmes & Aventuriers & Swiss Pikemen at Damietta, Breydenbach's Peregrinationes in Terram Sanctam, 1522 Ed.
Russians & Poles in The Battle of Orsha (Orsza), 1514 painted c.1524-1530
Ottoman Sultan Süleyman and his cortege by Jan Swart van Groningen, 1526
Effigy of a warrior at Kilninian, Mull, Scotland, early to mid-16th century
Emperor Charles V in procession after his coronation by Pope Clement VII in Bologna, 1530, by Nicolaus Hogenberg
The Entry of Emperor Charles V into Augsburg, 1530, by Jörg Breu the Elder
The Oath of Sermide by Girolamo Genga, Italy, 1530-31
Portrait of a Warrior by Dosso Dossi, Italy, 1530s
Tournament, Fresco Cycle by Marcello Fogolino, Italy, c.1535
Charles Vs Expedition to Tunis, 1535 by Mike Grayer. Miniature Wargames No. 26, July 1985.
Moldavian Horseman in an exterior wall painting on the monastery at Moldovita, Bucovina, Romania, 1537
Coloured version of a Landsknecht loading by Hans Sebald Beham, 1540
The 1535 Hapsburg Attack on La Goleta from the 1744 copies of the 'Conquest of Tunis' Tapestries.
The English Encampment at Marquison, 1544, showing military equipment in the time of Henry VIII.
The English Siege of Boulogne by Henry VIII., 1544, showing military operations.
The Militia procession of Augsburg, Germany, 1545.
European & Mediterranean Costume & Soldiers in the Códice De Trajes, 1547
Tomb of Alasdair Crotach MacLeod showing a hunting expedition (c.1450-c.1547) St. Clement's Church, Rodel, Harris, Scotland
19th century prints of French 16th century military costume by Albert Racinet
Landsknechts & German Lancers in 'Sermon of John the Baptist', by Lucas Cranach the Younger, 1549
Surviving, 16th century, Hungarian Shields
Hungarian Infantry, 16th century, after Aurél Richter
Chess Pieces from Vijayanagar representing soldiers, 16th century
Renaissance Italians by George Gush
St George & soldiers, Church of Bet Giorgis, Lalibela, Ethiopia
'Book of Fixed Stars' by al Sufi, Pertev Paşa manuscript 375
Timur Hunting, Central Asian Zafarnama (Book of Victories) of Sharaf al-din 'Ali Yazdi, 16th century. Harvard Art Museums 1965.477.
Great Ming Military Ming Dynasty military resources for historical wargaming
Ottoman Illustrations of Soldiers from the Süleymanname of 1558
The Sack of Lyon by the Calvinist Reformers, by Pierre Caron?, 1565
French, Scots, Landsknechts and Swiss in Recuiel de la diversite des habits qui sont present en usage, tantes pays d'Europe, Asie, Affrique et iles sauvages by Francois Desprez, 1567
Costume of Eastern Europe, Africa and Asia in Recuiel de la diversite des habits qui sont present en usage, tantes pays d'Europe, Asie, Affrique et iles sauvages by Francois Desprez, 1567
Effigy of Ivan Lenkovic, Croatia, 1569
Mughal Illustrations of Costume & Soldiers from the Hamzanama, 1570
Hungarian soldiers by Jost Amman, 1570
Costume Book by Lucas d'Heere, about 1575
Brenhidai Huszár Péter Peter 'Hussar' Brenhidai, late 16th century
A Georgian Foot Soldier by Melchior Lorck, 1576
Mamluk, Algerian and Arab Cavalry Soldiers in Illustrations de Diversarum gentium armatura equestris Abraham de Bruyn, 1577
Kitab al-makhzun li arbab al-funun, Egypt or Syria, 1578-1579
Anglo-Irish from the de Burgo manuscript, c.1578
Examples Of Imperial Military Dress (by Joseph Amman) c.1578 by Simon Chick
The Old Wild East of Renaissance Europe: the Muscovite Conquest of Siberia by Matthew Bennett & Paul Hitchin
Kostüme und Sittenbilder des 16. Jahrhunderts aus West- und Osteuropa, Orient, der Neuen Welt und Afrika
Derricke's The Image of Irelande, 1581
Costume by Jean-Jacques Boissard in the oriental section of Habitus variarum orbis gentium. Habitz de nations estranges, 1581
A Gallóglaich in Elizabeth I's Charter to Dublin, Ireland, 1581-82
'Reconquest of Padua by Andrea Gritti' by Palma Giovane, Palazzo Ducale, Venice, Italy, 1584
'Conquest of Zara' by Tintoretto, Palazzo Ducale, Venice, Italy, 1584
'Conquest of Smyrna' by Paolo Veronese, Palazzo Ducale, Venice, Italy, 1585
Irish soldier serving on the continent by Casper Rutz, 1586
Ottoman Costume and Soldiers in the Hünername ('Book of Skills') of 1588
Soldiers by Cesare Vecellio, 1590: Italian, Georgian, Hungarian, Muscovite, Ottoman & African and Arab
Mughal Illustrations of Costume & Soldiers from the Akbarnama, India, 1590-95
Portrait of Captain Thomas Lee, Queen's Kern, Ireland, 1594
Mughal Illustrations of Costume & Soldiers from the Baburnama, India
Smolensk, 'Chronicles of Poland', 1597AD, the Russians capture the city from the Lithuanians
Persian Musketeers in 'Emperor Timurs Ambassador in the Presence of Ottoman Sultan Bayezid Yıldırım', 1599-1600AD. Brit. Lib. Ms. Or. 5736, f.172b
Map of the Taking of the Earl of Ormonde in anno 1600, Ireland
Arab Cavalrymen in 'Abbas Ali is attacked, fetching water in the Euphrates'. Hadikat us-suada of Fuzuli. British Library Ms. Oriental 12009, folio 233
Other Ottoman Illustrations of Costume & Soldiers