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Derricke's The Image of Irelande (1581)

The plates tell the story of the subjugation of the Irish rebels by Sir Henry Sidney, Lord-Deputy of Ireland under Queen Elizabeth of England.
Print 1 - An Irish noble and kern bonacht
Print 2 - Kern raiders
Print 3 - Irish feast
Print 4 - Church support for kern
Print 5 - English pusuers
Print 6 - The English set out
Print 7 - The English army - Sir Philip Sydney receives a message
Print 8 - The English army on the march
Print 9 - The English army defeats the Irish in battle
Print 10 - Sir Philip Sydney returns to Dublin in triumph
Print 11 - A woeful rebel
Print 12 - O'Neal prostrating before Sir Philip Sydney

or version with all plates on one page with captions using Olde English spelling
or version with all plates on one page with captions using modern English spelling

Other Illustrations of Irish Costume & Soldiers