11th century resources:
Illustrations from Muslim Influenced, Norman and Lombard Southern Italy and Sicily
Vikings on a Runestone called Ledbergsstenen, 11th century. Ledbergs, Östergötland, Sweden.
Medallion of ʿAdud al Dawla, Būyid Iran, Freer Gallery of Art
Ghaznavid Maces. "The Arts of the Muslim Knight" The Furusiyya Art Foundation Collection by Bashir Mohamed
Saxon Arms and Armour in Scenes and Characters of the Middle Ages, by Edward Lewes Cutts
Avar? or Kirghiz? Rock Carving of a Cavalryman on Soljannaja-Gorá Hill, near the Village of Suljek, Siberia.
Harley Psalter, Anglo-Saxon England, early 11th century, British Library MS Harley 603
Military Saints Mercurios, Theodore Tiron, Demetrios & Prokopius, Hosios Loukas Monastery, Boeotia, Greece, early 11th century
Leyre (or Pamplona) Casket, Umayyad Spain, 1004-1005AD
The Emperor Receives a Battle-Standard from a Bishop, Milan, Northern Italy, between 998 and 1018
A kite-shield in Boethius Imprisoned and Tormented by Soldiers, Fleury, France, early 11th Century. BnFrance, Ms Latin 6401.
Iohannes, a 'Proximos' with the court rank of 'Protospathários'. Armenian Adrianople Gospel, c. 1007, Mechitarist Library, Venice.
Book of Fixed Stars (Kitab suwar al-kawakib al-tabita) by 'Abd al-Rahman ibn 'Umar al-Sufi, Shiraz, Iran, 1009-10AD
Ottonians on the Elfenbeinsitula, Lotharingia, c.1000 or c.1024AD, in the Cathedral of Aachen
The Portrait Illumination of Basil II Bulgaroctonos in his Psalter, Byzantine, c.1017
A Byzantine Ivory Casket, Victoria and Albert Museum 247:1, 2-1865, early 11th century
Saint Demetrios, Steatite, Byzantine, Louvre, early 11th century. Louvre OA 3969.
St. Phiobammon. Church of ‛Abd Allāh Nirqi, Nubia, early 11th century.
The Pila, an Islamic Ablution Basin, Spain, early to mid 11th century
Moors on an Ivory Casket of Santo St. Domingo de Silos, Cuenca, 1026
Ripoll Bible (Farfa Bible). Catalonia, Spain, ca. 1027-1032AD. Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Rome (MS. Vat. lat. 5729)
Wall paintings depicting Ghaznavid guards, Lashkar-i Bazar, Afghanistan, 1030-41AD
'Abram rescues Lot' in the Old English Hexateuch, Anglo-Saxon, 2nd quarter 11th century. BL Cotton Claudius B IV.
Crucifixion, by Evargis the Priest. Armenian Gospel of Taron, 1038AD, Matenadaran Collection ms 6201.
Warriors on the Cumdach of the Stowe Missal, Ireland, c.1025–52AD
Ottonian Soldiers in Codex Aureus of Echternach, 1030-1050AD, Germanisches Nationalmuseum in Nuremberg, Germany
A Caucasian & a Negro Swordsman Fighting, Mosaic from the Church of S. Maria Maggiore, Vercelli, Italy, c.1040
Saint Vaast Bible, Vol. 1, Northern France, 2nd quarter of the 11th century. Arras BM 435.
The Betrayal, Nea Moni, Chios, mosaic of the inner Narthex, Byzantine, 1043 AD
Warrior Christ on the Châsse de St. Hadelin, 1046 AD, Church of St. Martin, Visé, Belgium
Facundus Apocalypse by Beatus of Liébana, Spain, 1047
Betrayal, Gospel, Armenian, St. Grigor Monastery, 1057AD. Matenadaran, Erevan, Ms 3784.
Moorish Casket from Cuenca, Spain, c.1049AD
Anglo-Saxon Costume & Soldiers in the Tiberius Psalter, England, c.1050
Capetian knight in the Corbie Gospel, 11th century, France
Two Warriors on Horseback on a Casket Lid, Victoria & Albert Museum No: A.542:1-1910, Byzantine, mid 11th century
Byzantine Mosaic depicting the soldier, Longinus, in the Nea Moni Church, Chios, Greece, c.1050AD
A Byzantine Plaque of Saint Theodore as a soldier, British Museum AN265591001, 11th century
'Abraham & Lot' in Prudentius' Psychomachia, manuscript Lyon, Bibliotheque du Palais des Arts, Ms. 22, 11th century
'Patience & Anger' in Prudentius' Psychomachia, manuscript Lyon, Bibliotheque du Palais des Arts, Ms. 22, 11th century
Lombard Arms & Costume in an 11th Century copy of the Encyclopedia of Maurus Hrabanus or De rerum naturis
The Cynegetica of Pseudo-Oppian, Byzantine, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana Ms Grec 479, Venice, 11th century
Subjugation of the Cantabrians by Visigoth King Liuvigild, Spain, 11th century
Lombard King Rotario Dictating the Law. Codex Legum Longobardorum, Italy, 11th century. Abbey Cava de Tirreny Ms. 4
Lombard soldier in an 11th Century Exultet Roll, southern Italy. Museo Civico, Pisa.
Horsemen in The Life of St Alessio in the Church of San Clemente, Rome, Italy, 11th Century
Ardchattan Stone, Ardchattan Priory, Argyll, Scotland, 11th century
Combat Against the Red Dragon with Seven Heads and Ten Horns, Cod. 33 Real Academia de la Historia, Spain
Saint George slays the Dragon on Folio 18r, Psalter of San Millan de la Cogolla, Spain
A Kipchak Turk Balbal at Luhansk, 11th century
Bristol Psalter, Byzantine, 11th century. British Library, London, Add. MS 40731
Details of Psiloi from a Byzantine Casket, Hermitage Museum St. Petersburg, W-18, 11th century
Relief, Arrest of Jesus, mid-11th century AD, south Italian, Tomba di Rotari, Monte San Angelo
Varangian? centurion and soldiers, with kite shields, 11th century gold and enamel Byzantine ikon of the Crucifixion. Germany
Silver Bowl with enthroned ruler, from Iran or Afghanistan, 11th century, Hermitage, St. Petersburg
Saint George on a Steatite Icon, Byzantine, Vatopedi monastery, Athos, Greece, 11th Century
Steatite Icon of St Theodore Stratelates, Byzantine, 11th Century, Vatican
The Betrayal, Balleq Kilise, Cappadocia, Byzantine, 11th Century
Joshua and his military retinue, fresco, 11th-century, St Sophia Museum, Kiev
Byzantine Frescoes, Karanlık Kilise (Dark Church), Göreme, Cappadocia, Turkey, mid–11th century
Illustrations and sources of Armies of Feudal Europe 1066-1300 by Ian Heath
Byzantine Psalter, 1058-59AD. Biblioteca Apostolica, Vatican, Vat. gr. 752 Part 2.
A Greek-Fire Projector in Codex Vaticanus Graecus 1605, Byzantine, 11th century.
The Books of Kings, Old Testament, Byzantine, mid-11th century. Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana MS. gr. 333.
Plate Fragment with Turbaned Man, Qal‘a des Banu Hammad, Algeria, 11th Century. Qal‘a des Banu Hammad Museum, YM 06.
Casket Showing Heracles, Centaurs and Musicians, Byzantine, 11th century. State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg, W-20
Saint George on the Saakao icon, Georgia, 11th century. State Art Museum Tbilisi.
Soldier in a Byzantine Lectionary, third quarter of the eleventh century. Detail from Vaticana Graec, folio 248r.
Psalter of Theodore of Caesarea, Byzantine, 1066AD. British Library Add MS 19352
Saint Benedict frees a prisoner, Lombard, c.1070, Monte Cassino, Southern Italy
Frescoes in the Hidden Church (Sakli Kilise), c. 1070 AD, Cappadocia, Turkey, showing Byzantine soldiers, by Steven Lowe
Capital with Spanish Infantry, Church of San Martín de Tours de Frómista, Palencia, Castile and León, Spain, late 11th century.
David and Goliath, 'St. Augustine's Commentaries', Normandy, late 11th-century, BM. Rouen Ms. 456 (A 19)
Saint-Sever Apocalypse by Beatus of Liébana, SW France 1028-1072AD. BnF Ms Latin 8878
Guerrero armado, Liber Commicus, Academia de la Historia, Spain, 1073AD. Real Academia de la Historia, Cód. 22, Madrid
Biblia Sancti Petri Rodensis, the Roda Bible, Catalonia, 1050-1100AD. BnF Ms Latin 6
Pharaoh’s Army, ‘Crossing of the Red Sea’, Exultet Roll, Monte Cassino,Italy, c.1075-1080. British Library Add 30337.
The Bayeux Tapestry, c.1080AD, with captions in Latin & English
Integral and Separate Coifs by Steven Lowe
'Guards at the Tomb'. Relief on a column capital, cloister of the monastery of St. Domingo de Silos, 1080AD
David in a Polirone Psalter, Italy, before 1086AD. Mantua Biblioteca Comunale , ms. 340.
El Burgo de Osma Codex by Beatus of Liébana, Spain, 1086
Saint Aubin defends Guérande, France, end of the 11th century. BnF ms. NAL 1390
'Charlemagne's chess set', Southern Italy, end of the eleventh century. Paris Cabinet des médailles
Atlantic Bible, south French, late 11th century, Biblioteca Medicea-Laurenziana, Ms. Edili 125-126, Florence, Italy
The Breac Maedhóc, a bronze Irish house-shrine from the 11th or 12th century. Royal Irish Academy
Greek Gospel book, Byzantine, late 11th - early 12th century. Biblioteca Laurenziana, Florence (Plut. 6.23).
Barlaam and Ioasaph, The Holy Monastery of Iveron, Mount Athos, Byzantine Greece, Codex. 463, c.1075-1125AD
Guards at the Holy Sepulchre, Lectionary, Santo Domingo do Silos, Castile and León, Spain. BnF NAL 2176, f. 265
Large Seljuk Stucco Figures, mid-11th-mid-12th century. Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
Seljuk Lampas Robe, Central Asia, 11th/12th century. Christies
Turkic cavalry on a Byzantine Ivory Casket, 11-12th Centuries, Victoria and Albert Museum A.8-1937
Triptych Showing the Forty Martyrs, Byzantine, late 11th - early 12th century. State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg, W-299
Icon of Saints George, Theodore & Demetrius, Byzantine, late 11th early 12th century. Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg, I-183
Slate Icon of Saints George & Demetrius, Byzantine, late 11th - early 12th century. Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg, X-103
Morgan Casket, Muslim?, Southern Italy, 11th-12th century
Saint Demetrius or Saint George, Byzantine Steatite Icon, 11th or 12th Century
Bowl with a winged rider on horseback, 11th-12th century, Nishapur, Eastern Persia, Louvre, Paris.
Warrior Saints, Serpent (Yilanli) Church, Göreme, Byzantine, 11th-12th centuries
Panel with cavalry combat, Ghaznavid, c.1100. David Collection, Copenhagen.
The 'Norman Bib' Reconstructed by Steven Lowe
Terminology in Armour of the Crusading Era, 1050-1350 - Western Europe and the Crusader States by David Nicolle
Fatimid Soldiers and Hunters, 10th - 12th Centuries
Fatimid Musicians, Dancers & Revelers and Coptic Priest, 10th - 12th Centuries