St Benedict frees a prisoner, a manuscript of c. 1070 from Monte Cassino in Italy. This is one of the rare chances to see a saddle from the front and shows a rounded bow similar in shape to a southern French picture which shows a cantle. ( Oronoz)
Referenced on p.255, Arms and Armour of the Crusading Era, 1050-1350, Western Europe and the Crusader States by David Nicolle
677 'St Benedict frees a prisoner', manuscript from Monte Cassino, c.1070 (Vatican Library, Ms. Lat. 1202, f.72, Rome, Italy)
All the details of the rider's equipment and the horse's harness point to strong Northern influence, almost certainly resulting from Norman penetration and domination of southern Ita1y. The rider carries a large kite-shaped shield slung across his back on a guige. He has a long lance without wings or flanges and his saddle is of the tall type with raised cantle and pommel, associated with the couched style of lance play.
For terms in italics see Terminology in Armour of the Crusading Era, 1050-1350 - Western Europe and the Crusader States - David Nicolle
Referenced on p.58, The Normans by David Nicolle
‘St. Benedict frees a prisoner’, a manuscript illustration of c. 1070 from Monte Cassino. (Ms.Lat. 1202, Vatican Lib., Rome)