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Greatest Battles Page

User made mods for:

Waterloo: Napoleon's Last Battle

WNLB ISO download (177MB zip).   Daemon Tools, to mount ISO files as a CD emulation.
Installing WNLB & ANGV on Windows 7.

Common Files

Penmod.exe ReadMe
Generic Penmod Bags v1.4 (1.5MB). Includes a WaterAux.bag & WaterCmd.bag. Now including other screens (31 March 2009), Create/Edit screens (8 April 2009) & files for WNLB patch 3 (2 Nov 2010).
BagBoy file packer/unpacker
Repaired Waterloo flag graphics. ReadMe. 2 Feb 2010.
Repaired Waterloo building graphics. ReadMe. 30 August 2009.
View Waterloo Buildings

New files to remove hedges, add fields & a new building for La Belle Alliance that looks like this. Now includes user made scenarios (30 June 10) Readme
New files for Hougoumont (1.8MB)     Readme
Soldier Graphics for download. Updated 17 Apr 11.

Craig H. Foster's Greatest Battles Series Resource Center for WNLB

Access downloads from Davros including Ligny.

Main files for V5 Marengo for WNLB (1MB) by Junot
Graphics files for V5 Marengo for WNLB (11.3MB)
Pictures of: soldiers.
Austrian Music. ReadMe
ReadMe 18 March 2010
Map of Marengo Battlefield 2MB

Download EylauV2.5 (7.8MB) (20 Apr 2010).   latest ReadMe.
Pictures of: Cavalry, Infantry & Artillery.
Download common files for Eylau (2.9MB). (20 Apr 2010 - for both WNLB & ANGV)
Download Russian Voices (2.4MB)
Download Russian Music which contains Russian_trk_2.wav & Russian_trk_3.wav from ANGV & bozhe-tsarya-khrani (God Save The Czar) (7MB).
Also requires Penmod.exe & Generic Penmod Bags.

Latest ReadMe for PenMod. 19 March 2010
Peninsular version 3.1 (Penmod) for WNLB (7.7MB) Includes Busaco, Vimeiro & Talavera and v3 adds Baylen, Tudela & Albuhera 19 March 2010 with new Spanish flags by Ernie.
Peninsular loading screens (10MB).
Peninsular WNLB soldiers Version 3.3 (11.7MB) with many new graphics of cavalry & infantry, 17 March 2010.
Peninsular French & British sounds & music (15MB) 20 July 09.
This has voice commands with an added drum or bugle signal plus BritishSong01.wav, BritishSong11.wav, Frenchsong02.wav, FrenchSong06.wav & FrenchSong12.wav
Spanish sounds & music (4.5MB)
This has Spanish voice commands plus SpanishSong01.wav & SpanishSong02.wav.
(optional) Download Penmod additional music 2 (31MB).
BritishSong02.wav, BritishSong03.wav, BritishSong05.wav, BritishSong08.wav, BritishSong10.wav, BritishSong12.wav, FrenchSong03.wav, FrenchSong04.wav, FrenchSong05.wav, FrenchSong08.wav, FrenchSong10.wav, FrenchSong11.wav, PolishAnthem.wav & SpanishSong02.wav.
(optional) Download Penmod additional music 3 (39MB).
BritishSong00.wav, BritishSong04.wav, BritishSong06.wav, BritishSong07.wav, BritishSong09.wav, FrenchSong01.wav, FrenchSong07.wav & FrenchSong09.wav
(optional) Download Penmod introductory video (78MB) including codec & ini files. Or rename the ANGV version as "PenMod.avi".
Also requires Penmod.exe & Generic Penmod Bags.

Spanish Napoleonic Uniform Info
To obtain PenMod from Davros

Salamanca by Davros. This includes the previously unreleased WNLB patch 3.
Supplement to add to Salamanca so it can be used with the above Peninsular download.
Fuentes de Onoro, Vittoria, Medina de Rio Seco, Somosierra, Garcia Hernandez, Medellin & Saguntum for WNLB, by Davros.

The 1809 campaign includes the battles of Teugn-Hausen, Eckmuhl & Aspern-Essling by Junot, 6th Vermont et al.
Download v2.2 of the 1809 campaign for WNLB (10.2MB). (27 Jan 2011) ReadMe for 1809.
Pictures of: Cavalry, Infantry & Artillery.
Austrian Music. ReadMe
Also requires Penmod.exe & Generic Penmod Bags.

Borodino for WNLB . . .
Borodino WNLB Main Files (1.8MB), 7 May 2011. ReadMe.
Borodino WNLB Graphics (11MB), 6 May 2011. Screen Shot.
Pictures of: Infantry.
Download Russian Voices (2.4MB)
Borodino Music - Russian (5.7MB)
Borodino Music - French (7.5MB)
See above for "Penmod.exe" & "Generic Penmod Bags".

WNLB at "The Angle"

including Maida, Waterloo: Glory enough for all & other scenarios.
If this is down, try here.

Greatest Battles Forum

Patches from Breakaway Ltd
Waterloo Patch 1.002 download from Strategy First This version is a self extracting zip which may be problematic on XP or later.
Waterloo Patch 1.002 as a plain .zip file.

GB File Formats.rtf with notes added. Updated 13 Mar 11.
Tips for playing WNLB.
Link to Waterloo Voice Commands
Download a Hot Key Reference Sheet by J Canuck
Download a Scenario and OOB builder by Marbot

Napoleonic Flags

pdf of portraits of Napoleonic Generals. (4.2MB) British, Spanish, French, Austrian, Prussian & Russian. Russian Generals.

These downloads are not thoroughly tested. You can help by reporting anomalies in a reply to a thread at the Greatest Battles Forum

User made mods for:

Austerlitz: Napoleon's Greatest Victory

ANGV ISO download (106MB zip)   Daemon Tools, to mount ISO files as a CD emulation.
Digital Manual as waterloo.pdf (5MB)

Common Files

Download a version 1 Austerlitz.exe with UniPatch that has been modded to eliminate Sokolnitz, as
Download "Austerlitz: Napoleon's Greatest Victory Patch 2.001" from Breakaway Games
Download Unipatch v1.01 with notated example .ini & .cfg files Massena's Undergound Page of info about the workings of ANGV: page 1 & page 2. Let me know if you have any pictures to go with this.

Download version 1.9 of realigned & repaired standard soldier & horse graphics for ANGV (9.7MB 17 April 11). [still available for modders]. ReadMe
Download version 2 of realigned & repaired standard soldier & horse graphics for ANGV pre-packed into a WaterArmy.bag. (8.2MB 23 May 11). Add these to improve standard ANGV.
Generic ANGV Screens v1.4 (1.1MB), used for Napoleonic mods below. ReadMe
Download codecs to display opening videos if needed. (Included in
New Austrian medal to add to ANGV & mods. ReadMe

Prelude To Austerlitz by Jeff Vitou
Battle Of Austerlitzs by Jeff Vitou
ANGV Preview by Gary Morgan
Strategy Tips For Playing ANGV by Gary Morgan

Main files for V2 Marengo for ANGV (2.7MB) by Junot. ReadMe 8 Jan 2010.
Graphics files for V2 Marengo for ANGV (6.9MB)
Pictures of: Cavalry & Infantry.
Austrian Music. ReadMe
Map of Marengo Battlefield 2MB

The 1806 campaign includes the battles of Jena, Auerstaedt, Saalfeld, Nordhausen & Schleiz by Davout, Courtebotte et. al.
Readme for 1806 16 April 2010
Main files V2.4 for 1806 campaign (1.8MB). 16 May 2011 - now includes Jena map & scenarios by Dolokhov.
Graphics V2.3 for 1806 campaign (10MB).
Pictures of: soldiers.
Music for 1806 campaign (14.9MB). See list (updated 12 December 2010).
Video for 1806 campaign (2.9MB)
See above for "Generic ANGV Screens".
'The Prusso-Saxon Army At Jena' by Peter Hofschröer

A new Jena map & scenarios by Dolokhov

Revised download of the Eylau for ANGV battle pack by Highlander
Download Eylau V2.3 (4.9MB) (10 Dec 2010)
Pictures of: Cavalry, Infantry & Artillery.
Download common files for Eylau (2.9MB). (20 Apr 2010 - for both WNLB & ANGV)
See above for Generic ANGV Screens & repaired standard graphics.
Latest readme for EylauANGV.

The 1809 campaign includes the battles of Teugn-Hausen, Eckmuhl & Aspern-Essling by Junot, 6th Vermont et al with new colour maps, jump maps, fog maps & graphics (20 February 2009). For v1 or v2 ANGV.
Readme for 1809
V2.2 Main files for the 1809 campaign (1.5MB). (Updated 14 Apr 10). See above for "Repaired standard soldier & horse graphics".
Graphic files for the 1809 campaign (8.9MB). (9 Sept 2009) See above for "Generic ANGV Screens".
Pictures of: Infantry.
Austrian Music. ReadMe

Version 2.3 of the Borodino for ANGV battle pack by Highlander with new soldiers for v1 and extra soldiers for v2. See the ReadMe for other changes.
Borodino Main Files V2.3 (2.2MB) 7 May 2011 ReadMe
Borodino Graphics V2.3 (5.6MB) ) 4 March 2011. Contains loading screens & terrain.
Borodino Army (16.3MB) 16 April 2011. Pictures: infantry, cavalry & artillery.
Borodino Music - Russian (5.7MB)
Borodino Music - French (7.5MB)
See above for

Fontenoy by Davros
Latest readme for Fontenoy - 8 Feb 2011
Version 2.4 Main files for Fontenoy (1.8MB), 11 Feb 11. Fontenoy Soldiers V2.4 (9.7MB), 12 Feb 11. See them pictured.
Version 2.4 graphics files for Fontenoy (8.5MB), 11 Feb 11.
Fontenoy Sounds V2.3 (15MB), 31 Aug 09
Dutch Voices (0.8 MB).
Fontenoy Music (19MB)
to be run under v2.001

Peninsular for ANGV by Davros includes Busaco, Vimeiro & Talavera plus Albuhera by tacticalwithdrawal & Tudela by Milhaud. ReadMe for Peninsular
Main Peninsular FilesV2.2 (2.8MB), 22 Dec 10.
Peninsular ANGV GraphicsV2.1 (10.6MB),31 Jan 10.
Peninsular SoldiersV2.2 (6.0MB), 21 Dec 10..
Peninsular Sounds (5.4)MB
Peninsular Music (8.5MB)
Peninsular Video (70MB).

Spanish Sounds as a separate download (4.5MB added 14 April 09)   ReadMe for Spanish Sounds

Fuentes de Onoro by Davros.

100 days for ANGV

The 100 days includes Waterloo with extra user made scenarios including "Waterloo: Glory Enough For All" & "Maida"; Quatre Bras; Ligny including Big Ligny; and a new version of Wavre with 8 scenarios.
Wavre screen shot & another.
Files for ANGV Version 1 only:
Main 100 Days Files for V1 ANGV (1.4 MB) updated 15 July 2010.   ReadMe.
100 days Soldiers for V1 ANGV (5.6 MB). Pictures of: Cavalry & Infantry.
Common Files:
French & British Sounds (5.8 MB).
100 days ANGV Graphics (13.4 MB).
See above for
Files for ANGV Version 1 & 2:
Main 100 Days Files for V2 ANGV (4.6 MB) 15 June 2011. ReadMe.
Waterloo & Quatre Bras Soldiers (19.4 MB) 15 June 2011.
Ligny & Wavre Soldiers (18.7 MB) 15 June 2011. See the cavalry & infantry pictured.

"The battle of Wavre and Grouchy's retreat; a study of an obscure part of the Waterloo campaign" by Hyde Kelly 1905. Includes 3 maps (2.7MB).
. Map of Wavre by Johnston.
. Map of Wavre by Siborne.
Netherlands Infantry Uniforms 1813 to 1831

A supplement to the 100 days that swaps the French Army for the Neapolitan Army of Murat. ReadMe

Detailed Ferraris maps of Belgium, 1777 and the acccompanying PDF.

These downloads are not thoroughly tested. You can help by reporting anomalies in a reply to a thread at the Greatest Battles Forum

Montebello 1800
Caldiero 1805

for ANGV

WNLB-ANGV Downloads
Antietam 1862
Gettysburg 1863

Soldier Graphics for download. Updated 17 Apr 11.
Modding tutorials by DARoot

Step by step instructions to set the compatibility mode (bottom of page).
Installing WNLB & ANGV on Windows 7.

Previous games in the series:
Sid Meier's Gettysburg ISO (6 parts = 288MB). RAR extraction utility. Playing Guides.
SMG Manual from
Reynolds Rifle and Light Infantry Tactics
Sid Meier's Antietam ISO (50MB). Manuals included = Antietam Paper Doc.doc, Manual.html & ReynoldsTactics.doc.
XP installation guide   Video display for SMG on XP or latter
SMA Manual from

For comments, requests and missing files: reply to a thread at the Greatest Battles Forum

