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Commentary on the Apocalypse by Beatus of Liébana

Illustrated Beatus manuscripts bring to life an extraordinary vision of the end of the world, as recorded by Saint John in the Apocalypse (Book of Revelation) and filtered through the lens of Beatus of Liébana, an eighth-century Asturian monk.
Some manuscripts include St. Jerome's Commentary on Daniel, which includes illustrations of "Nebuchadnezzar's Army Besieges Jerusalem" and "Daniel in the Lions' Den".

The San Miguel Beatus Codex, Spain, c.960AD
Pierpont Morgan Library, New York. Ms 644

The death of the two witnesses

The victory of the Lamb over the kings

Jerusalem Besieged

Nebuchadnezzar's Army Besieges

Daniel in the Lions' Den
while Darius Lies Sleepless

The Valcavado Beatus Codex, Spain, 970AD
Valladolid, Biblioteca de la Universidad, MS 433

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

Jerusalem Besieged

The Antichrist Kills
the Two Witnesses

The Urgell Beatus Codex, Spain, 975AD
Musei Diocesá de La Seu d'Urgell

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

The Siege of Jerusalem

Nebuchadnezzar's Army Besieging Jerusalem

The Gerona Beatus Codex, Spain, 975AD
Girona Cathedral, Catalonia

Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

Horseman Fighting a Dragon

Jerusalem Besieged

The Facundus Beatus Codex, Spain, 1047AD
Madrid, Biblioteca Nacional, Ms Vit.14.2

f.135r The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

f.174v The Army Of Horsemen On Lion-Headed Horses

f.181r Death of the Two Witnesses

f.209 Harvest

f.234r Kings Mourning Babylon

f.240r The victorious Christ
The Word of God

f.242v The Beast and the False Prophet

f.246v The Antichrist

f.268v Siege of Jerusalem

f.269r Nebuchadnezzar's Army Besieging Jerusalem

f.286r Darius lies sleepless while Daniel's feet are licked by the lions

Beatus de Saint-Sever, 1028-1072AD, Southwestern France.
Bibliothèque nationale de France, manuscript Latin 8878

Abraham Sacrificing Isaac

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

Monstrous Cavalry

Ten Kings and their Army

Victory of the Lamb

Kings mourning
about Babylon

Eschatological Combat

Darius lies sleepless

The Osma Beatus Codex, Spain, 1086AD
Cathedral of El Burgo de Osma (Soria). Archives. Cod. 1.

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

Deaths of the Patriarchs Enoch and Elias

Victory of the Lamb

The Victorious Christ
The Word of God

The Silos Beatus Codex, Spain, 1090-1109AD
British Library Add. MS 11695.

f102v Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

f136v The Riders on Lion-Headed Horses

f143r The Antichrist Kills the Two Witnesses

f194r A Knight

f196r The Rider upon the White Horse

f198v Triumph of the Rider over the Beast

f222v Siege of

f223r Nebuchadnezzar's Army attacks Jerusalem

f239r Daniel in the Lions'
Den while Darius Lies Sleepless

The Turin Beatus Codex, Spain, early 12th century
Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria di Torino, Sgn I. II. 1

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

Jerusalem Besieged

The Cardena Beatus Codex, Spain, early 12th century
Archaeological Museum, Madrid

The Antichrist Kills the Two Witnesses

Rylands Beatus Codex, Spain, c.1175
John Rylands University Library

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

Angel Attacks Locusts

The army on lion-headed horses

Jerusalem /
Death of the two witnesses

Victory of the Lamb

Where kings or merchants lament for Babylon

Christ goes with his army to fight against the devil

Two men attack large boar with mallets

The Antichrist

Nebuchadnezzar besieges Jerusalem

Jerusalem under siege

Daniel in the Lions Den
while Darius Lies Sleepless

The Lorvão Beatus Codex, Portugal, 1189AD
Arquivo Nacional Torre do Tombo

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

The great earthquake
Lorvão Beatus

Horses with heads of lions

The death of the two witnesses

Harvest and vintage
Lorvão Beatus

The host of heaven

The Navarra Beatus Codex, Navarre, late 12th century
Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris, Manuscript Nouvelle acquisition latine 1366

Combat contre le Dragon
Fight against the Red Dragon

Victoire de l'Agneau
Victory of the Lamb

Faux prophète dans le feu
False prophet in the fire

Las Huelgas Beatus Codex, Spain, 1220AD
Morgan Pierpont Library M.429

The Four Horsemen
of the Apocalypse

Darius lies sleepless

Horsemen On Lion-Headed

Capture of the Beast
and of the False Prophet

The army of Nebuchadnezzar besieges Jerusalem

Arroyo Beatus Codex, Spain, c.1220AD
Bibliothèque nationale de France, Manuscript Nouvelle acquisition latine 2290

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

The Army Of Horsemen On Lion-Headed Horses

The death of the two witnesses

The victorious Christ
The Word of God

Triumph of the Rider over the

The Antichrist

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