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The San Miguel Beatus Codex

Commentary on the Apocalypse by Beatus of Liébana, Spain, c.960AD
Pierpont Morgan Library, New York. Ms 644

Folio 241r. Nebuchadnezzar's Army Besieges Jerusalem

Source: The Morgan Library & Museum

Referenced as figure 504 in The military technology of classical Islam by D Nicolle
504A to 504E. Manuscript, A - "Destruction of Jerusalem," B - "Victory of the Lamb," C - "Taking of the Beast," D - "Appolyon," E - "Army of Nebuchadnezzar," Beatus, 922-952 AD, Mozarab, Pierpont Morgan Lib., Ms. 644, ff. 151, 211, 200 and 142v, New York (Hof A).

Next: Daniel in the Lions' Den & Darius Lies Sleepless, from the San Miguel Beatus Codex