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Illustration from the:
Beatus de Saint-Sever
Commentary on the Apocalypse by Beatus of Liébana,
copy from 1028-1072AD, Southwestern France.
Folio 148v. Monstrous Cavalry (Horsemen on Lion-headed Horses)
A larger image of Monstrous Cavalry (Horsemen on Lion-headed Horses), Beatus de Saint-Sever
Chevaux monstrueux
Sixth Trumpet: The Army Of Horsemen On Lion-Headed Horses
And I saw the horses in the vision.
And the horsemen had breastplates of fire, hyacinth, and sulfur.
And the heads of the horses were like the heads of lions.
And from their mouths came fire, smoke, and sulfur. And one-third part of men was slain by these three afflictions.
For the power of these horses is in their mouths and tails. Their tails resemble serpents, and it is the heads that cause harm.
And the men who were not slain by these afflictions did not repent from the works of their hands, from worshiping demons or idols, or from their murders, drugs, fornications, and thefts. (Rev. 9:17–21)
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Back to Beatus de Saint-Sever, Commentary on the Apocalypse by Beatus of Liébana, 1028-1072AD, Southwestern France. BnF Manuscript Latin 8878