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Uniforms Of Spanish Units At The Battle Of Talavera 1809

(Spanish Text by José Manuel Rodríguez Gómez, Illustrations by Jose Maria Bueno)


Teniente General: Lieutenant General Mariscal de Campo: Field Marshal General de Brigada: Brigadier General

The coat is the regulation daily uniform of 1805: dark blue with gold braid trim. Note the two rows of gold braid on the cuffs, which are the indicater of his rank. This usually includes a waist sash, a garment until then unknown in the spanish military, but today is very distinctive of generalship. Based on a portrait of Marshal Rafael Manglano. The jacket is the same type as the previous standard, but this usually has the flaps open, the style imposed by the French generals. The feathered bicorne hat model resembles the gala, but is not the same. Maybe it's a pledge "custom" (very common in the uniforms of the generals of the time). Note that it only has gold braid on the cuffs, as a sign of rank. These usually wear a dark blue coat. The coat was an unknown article in the Spanish army until the arrival of the French. Except for the coat, the rest of his costume (bicorne hat, breeches, sword ...) is completely inconsistent with the regulations of 1805. Unlike earlier, the twists and ornaments of this general are silver. No sash, since its use was reserved for senior generals. Based on a portrait painted by Goya.

Spanish Generals Spanish Guards Spanish Line Infantry Spanish Light Infantry and Marines Spanish Militia Spanish Line Cavalry Spanish Dragoons Spanish Light Cavalry Spanish Artillery Spanish Engineers