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Uniforms Of Spanish Units At The Battle Of Talavera 1809

(Spanish Text by José Manuel Rodríguez Gómez, Illustrations by Jose Maria Bueno)


Caballería de la Guardia Real, Carabineros:
Guard Cavalry, Carabiniers
Caballería de la Guardia Real, Carabineros:
Guard Cavalry, Carabiniers
Guardia valona, Guardia Real:
Walloon Guard, Royal Guard

Before the war the Royal Guard had amongst its ranks a carabineros brigade composed of six squadrons, four heavy and two light. I do not know which of the two fought at Talavera, so include uniforms of the two types. The equipment of this soldier is the same as that of the line cavalry. The difference is that they wear the royal blue and red livery of the Royal House. Compare to the uniform of the Walloon Guard below and note that the cut and colour of the uniform is similar. Here is the uniform of the light Carabineros squadrons, which was similar to the cazadores de caballería. A French model shako as headgear, adorned with gold braid. The jacket is a model similar to the cazadores', with frogs from side to side. I think the original picture has two colour failures. The first, the uniform shade of blue, which I think should be the royal blue of the Royal Guard. The second, a white stripe on the breeches, which I think should be red. This is the uniform before the war. It is possible that the soldiers of the 4th Regiment had a different look as they were formed after the 2nd of May. This soldier wears the uniform of the 1805 regulations; coat with narrow lapels; closed, red vest. Also wears white leggings over his boots and blue service breeches like the rest of the livery. Note the lace of the cuff.

Spanish Generals Spanish Line Infantry Spanish Light Infantry and Marines Spanish Militia Spanish Line Cavalry Spanish Dragoons Spanish Light Cavalry Spanish Artillery Spanish Engineers

Spanish Uniforms of Joseph Bonaparte's Army from the NYPL