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Illustrations depicting 9th Century Carolingian Soldiers from

The Golden Psalter of St. Gallen

Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 22

Psalm 17 (18), page 039

Psalm 33 (34), page 075

Psalm 56 (57), page 132

Psalm 59 (60) continued, page 141

Psalm 58 (59), page 136

Detail of the soldiers

Psalm 59 (60), page 140

Psalm 62 (63), page 147
Latin Psalters are translations of the Book of Psalms into Latin. They are the premier liturgical resource used in the Liturgy of the Hours of the Latin Rites of the Roman Catholic Church. These translations are typically placed in a separate volume or a section of the breviary called the psalter, in which the psalms are arranged to be prayed at the canonical hours of the day. In the Middle Ages, psalters were often lavish illuminated manuscripts.

The illuminations are based on the titles to the Psalms that appear in the Masoretic text but may not in translations.

Ort: St. Gallen
Bibliothek / Sammlung: Stiftsbibliothek
Signatur: Cod. Sang. 22
Handschriftentitel: Goldener Psalter (Psalterium aureum) von St. Gallen - Psalterium Gallicanum mit Kollekten u. Orationen
Schlagzeile: Pergament · 344 pp. · 37 x 28 cm · St. Gallen · um 883-888 und um 890-900
Sprache: Lateinisch
Kurzcharakterisierung: Der Goldene Psalter (Psalterium aureum) von St. Gallen, geschrieben und mit 17 Miniaturen illuminiert im westfränkischen Reich (Soissons?) oder im Kloster St. Gallen unter Beteiligung westfränkischer Schreiber und Buchmaler (smu)

Location: St. Gallen
Library / Collection: Abbey Library
Signature: Cod Sang. 22
Manuscript Title: Golden Psalter (Psalterium aureum) of St. Gallen - Psalter Gallicanum with collections and prayers
Headline: Parchment · 344 pp.. · 37 x 28 cm · St. Gall · about 883-888 and 890-900
Language: Latin
Short Description: The Golden Psalter (Psalterium aureum) of St. Gallen, written and illuminated with 17 miniatures in the West Frankish Empire (Soissons?) or in the monastery of St. Gall with the participation of Western Frankish scribes and painters

Between 890 and 900, at the time of Abbot-Bishop Solomon III. (890-920), the handwriting in the new style with the layers 20-22 (p =. 297-343) was added and the coloured pictures in addition in many parts.

Picture source: St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek. Reference and German captions (there is a difference in the numbering of the psalms in the Septuagint)

See also Carolingian Arms and Armor in the Ninth Century by Simon Coupland
10th Century German Soldiers from The Leiden I Maccabees manuscript
Other Illustrations of 9th century Costume & Soldiers
Carolingian Illustrations of Costume and Soldiers
Index of Illustrations of Costume & Soldiers