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Lombards in a 10th Century Exultet Beneventano

The full image of the Lombard Exultet Beneventano.
Lombards in chainmail hauberk with round shield with guige and spear.
From a 985-987AD Exultet Beneventano Ms. Vat. Lat. 9820 now preserved in the Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana (Vatican Library). Source
Referenced on p.51, Carolingian Cavalryman AD 768-986 by D. Nicolle
An Exultet Roll was a form of large manuscript largely limited to southern Italy.
This example from the 980s illustrates ‘The Army of the Emperor’. (Exultet Roll from San Vincenzo al Volturno, Vatican Library, Ms. Lat. 9820, Rome, Italy)
Referenced on p.22, Italian Medieval Armies 1000-1300 by David Nicolle
'The Army of the Emperor' in an Exultet Roll manuscript from San Vincenzo al Volturno, made between AD 981 and 987. In addition to short-hemmed mail hauberks, these soldiers have large or small round shields and spears but no apparent swords. Their helmets also seem to include very old-fashioned cheek-pieces. (Ms. Lat. 9820, f.19, Vatican Library, Rome)
See also Lombard soldier in "Dedication to Duke and Emperor," Exultet Roll, 11th century AD, south Italian, Museo Civico, Pisa
'Emperor Constantine at the Council of Nicaea', Northern Italy, c.825 AD
The Emperor Receives a Battle-Standard from a Bishop, Milan, Northern Italy, between 998 and 1018
David in a Polirone Psalter, northern Italy, before 1086AD
Other Illustrations from Muslim Influenced, Norman and Lombard Southern Italy and Sicily
10th Century Illustrations of Costume and Soldiers
Italian Illustrations of Costume and Soldiers