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Fredericksburg Houses

Streets Of Fredericksburg

View of wartime Fredericksburg from east side of Rappahannock River (March 1863)

Western view from Fredericksburg down Telegraph Road with Marye's Heights visible in the distant center. Several Union divisions would march down this road during the Battle of Fredericksburg to assault the Confederate positions on the heights unsuccessfully. Eventually, they would retreat back down this road after being decimated.

"Brompton", Marye House With Rifle Pits In Front (May 1864)

Houses Damaged By The Shelling Of December 13, 1862 (May 1864)

Innis House

Stephens House

"Chatham", Lacy House

Burnside's headquarters at Phillips' House during the Battle of Fredericksburg. It was here that his staff generals dissuaded him from carrying on any more assaults.

Buildings of Antietam
Buildings of Bull Run
Buildings of Cold Harbor
Buildings of Williamsburg
Sid Meier's Gettysburg Downloads
Index of Illustrations of Costume & Soldiers