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Antietam Buildings

Dunker Church

Dunker Church Outbuilding

Grove Farm House & Barn

Barn near Keedysville used as Field Hospital

Locher Farm

Lodge House, Boonsboro Pike

Lutheran Church

The heavily damaged Lutheran Church on the east side of Sharpsburg. The church, which was built in 1768, was hit repeatedly by Union artillery and torn down after the battle.

D.R.Miller Farm Barn, Hagerstown Pike

Miller Farm

Mumma farm

The Mumma farm was destroyed during the battle

Mumma Spring House

Otto Farm

Park (Cunningham) Farm

Piper Barn

Piper Barn is located just south of Bloody Lane. Confederate General James Longstreet used the Piper Farm as his headquarters.

Joseph Poffenberger Farm

J. Poffenberger Barns
Historic buildings located on the Joseph Poffenberger farm on the north end of Antietam Battlefield

Samuel Poffenberger Farmhouse

Pry House

Reel Barn

The Reel Barn is just west of the battlefield and the barn suffered a direct hit from Union artillery, caught fire and burned. The barn was serving as a Confederate field hospital.

Roulette Farm

Another prominent family on the battlefield were the Roulettes who's farm was located on the north side of Bloody Lane. Thousands of Union soldiers marched on their farm as they moved south to attack the Confederate's in the road. After the battle 700 men were buried on their farm. It is difficult to make out in the photo, but just in front of the house are the tumbled Roulette family beehives. When the 132nd Pennsylvania Infantry marched past the house, an artillery shell knocked over the hives. The Pennsylvanians were swarmed by lead bullets and angry bees.
Roulette Farm
Roulette Farm


Sharpsburg shortly after the Battle of Antietam. Taken from crest of Sharpsburg Ridge, looking west down Boonsboro Pike toward Potomac River. Hagerstown Pike heads north (right) just beyond large tree in left-center. Lee's headquarters were in Oak Grove in distance, just to right of Boonsboro Pike.

Sherrick Farm

The Sherrick Farm is on the south end of the battlefield near the Burnside Bridge.

Sherrick & Otto Farms

This view is looking to the southeast. The Sherrick Farm is on the left and the Otto Farm on the right.

Buildings of Bull Run
Buildings of Cold Harbor
Buildings of Fredericksburg
Buildings of Williamsburg
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