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A detail of the central panel on the
Altarpiece of Saint Barbara
by Gonzalo Perez Sarriā, c.1410-1425

A larger image of the soldiers on the Altarpiece of Saint Barbara by Gonzalo Perez Sarriā, Catalonia, Spain, c.1410-1425
Gonzalo Perez Sarriā
Valencia before 1380 - 1451
Altarpiece of Saint Barbara
Circa 1410-1425
Tempera and gold on wood with gold leaf
Could come from the chapel of St. Barbara of Puertomingalvo (Terol/Teruel)
Museo Nazionale di Arte della Catalogna - MNAC, Barcellona
MNAC 35672
This altarpiece attributed to the painter Gonzalo Perez Sarria, one of the main representatives of the International Gothic style in Valencia. In its style colourful expressive elements predominate, the linear ease and the chromatic charm. In the main compartment of the altarpiece is represented the titular saint, with her distinctive attributes - the tower, alluding to her imprisonment, the palm of martyrdom for her condition and above her, Calvary. On side panels are several episodes from the life of Saint Barbara, who was invoked against lightning storms.
Photo by Andrea Carloni (Rimini)
Gonįal Peris Sarriā
Valčncia, cap a 1380-1451
Retaule de santa Bārbara
Cap a 1410-1425
Tremp i daurat amb pa d'or sobre fusta
Podria Procedir de l'ermita de Sant Bārbara de Puertomingalvo (Terol)
Aquest retaule s'atribueix al pintor Gonįal Peris Sarriā, un dels principals representants del gōtic internacional valenciā.
En el seu estil predominen els elements expressius i pintorescos, la desimboltura lineal i l'encís cromātic.
Al compartiment principal del retaule es representa la santa titular, amb els seus atributs distintius -la torre, al-lusiva al seu empresonament,
i la palma, per la seva condiciķ de mārtir- i, damunt seu, el Calvari.
Als carrers laterals es mostren diversos episodis de la vida de santa Bārbara, que era invocada contra els llamps i les tempestats.
See also Battle of El Puig, Alterpiece of St George, Jerica, Spain, 1420AD.
Other Soldiers on 15th Century Catalonian Altarpieces.
Other Spanish and North African Illustrations of Costume & Soldiers