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Dopfunten, Lyngsjö Kyrka, Skåne
Font, Lyngsjo Church, Scania, southern Sweden, late 12th century
King Henry II of England condemns Thomas Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury

Photo by Medeltida kyrkor i Skåne
Referenced on p.8, D Lindholm & D Nicolle The Scandinavian Baltic Crusades 1100-1500
A king and one of his retainers or guards, in a late 12th century Swedish-Danish relief carving. Note that the helmet, right, is of the almost flat-topped form but still has a nasal; the mail coif covers almost the whole face and is shown in a different stylized manner to the mail hauberk. The soldier is otherwise armed with a tall, almost flat-topped kite shield and a sword. (in situ Lyngsjö Church, Skäne, Sweden)
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See also Medieval face-mask and transitional helmets.