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Holy Women and Sleeping Soldiers at the Sepulchre.
p.169, Sacramentary, c. 1070AD.
Stiftsbibliothek St. Gallen, Ms Cod. Sang. 341.

Country of Location: Switzerland
Location: St. Gallen
Library / Collection: Stiftsbibliothek
Shelfmark: Cod. Sang. 341
Manuscript Title: Calendar, Sacramentary
Caption: Parchment · 738 pp. · 25.8 x 19.3 cm · St. Gall · around 1070
Language: Latin
Manuscript Summary: Superbly crafted St. Gall sacramentary from the time of Abbot Norbert of Stablo (1034-1072) for the celebration of the Mass, containing a calendar of saints, a list of incipits of the spoken and chanted texts for the Mass on the principal feast days of saints and the sacramentary itself, which is illustrated with four splendid full-page miniatures, two full-page initials and numerous smaller initials.
Source: e-codices
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