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Illustrations of Scottish Costume & Soldiers

Detail of a 9th century Pictish Crossbowman on the Drosten Stone
Picts on the Aberlemno 2 Stone (The kirkyard stone), Aberlemno, Angus, Scotland, 9th-10th centuries
Scottish horseman on the Govan Sarcophagus, Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland, 10th or 11th century
Ardchattan Stone, Ardchattan Priory, Argyll, Scotland, 11th century
Seal of Alexander I of Scotland, early 12th Century
12th century Chessmen from Uig, Lewis, western isles of Scotland, portraying warriors
Scots under Robert Bruce besieging Carlisle in 1315
Effigy of a gallóglaich at Oronsay Priory, Scotland, 14th or 15th century
Stone Tomb Effigy of a Scottish Highland Knight at the Church of Kildalton, Islay, Inner Hebrides, Scotland
The Battle of Bannockburn, folio 265r, Scotichronicon by Walter Bower, Scotland, c.1447-9AD. Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, MS 171B.
Four Effigies of armoured warriors from Iona
Effigy of Bricius MacFingone, Iona, late 15th century
Effigy at Iona of Roderick, 7th Chief of the MacLeods of Lewis (d. c.1498)
Clothing of the Scottish Highlands, 1100-1600 CE by M. E. Riley
Effigy of a warrior at Kilninian, Mull, Scotland, early to mid-16th century
Tomb of Alasdair Crotach MacLeod, Rodel, Harris, 16th century
Scots in Recuiel de la diversite des habits qui sont present en usage, tantes pays d'Europe, Asie, Affrique et iles sauvages by Francois Desprez, Paris, 1567
Wild Scot, by Lucas d'Heere, about 1575
Scotsmen Hunting (Redshanks), from Holinshed's Chronicle, 1577
Part 12: The Scots, Renaissance Warfare by George Gush
Royal figures from Speed's 1610 map of The Kingdome of Scotland
Four 'Irish' mercenaries in Stettin during the Thirty Years War.
A Laplander, a Livonian, an Irishman and a Scot in the broadsheet: Auß Lap vnd Liefflandt
Highland figures from Speed's 1662 map of The Kingdome of Scotland
Scotch figures from Speed's 1662 map of The Kingdome of Scotland
Clothing of the Scottish Highlands, 1600 - 1800 CE by M. E. Riley
Lord Mungo Murray (1668-1700), a Scottish Highland Chieftain, by John Michael Wright.
Kenneth Sutherland, 3rd Lord Duffus, in Scottish Highland Dress, by Richard Waitt, c.1712
The Earl of Mar raising the Old Pretender's standard at Braemar, September 1715
Major James Fraser of Castle Leathers, Scotland, c. 1720
Prints of British Soldiers from The Cloathing Book, Royal Armouries, 1742
Drawings from the Penicuik Collection. Jacobite and British Soldiers, 1745
Scots Highlanders in 'Incident in the Battle of Culloden', oil on canvas, David Morier, 1746
Coloured woodcut of the Battle of Culloden, National Museums of Scotland, 1746
'Highland Piper, Highlander in his Regimentals, Highland Drummer', by I.S. Muller, c. 3rd quarter of the 18th century
'A Highlander standing Sentry', engraved by I.S. Muller
Scotland, Tartan & the Clans, 1880s, by Albert Racinet

Index of Illustrations of Costume & Soldiers
