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Eighth AF

Gen Eaker describes the mission of VIII BC as the destruction of carefully chosen strategic tgts in Europe.



During 1/2 Aug, B-24's hit convoy in Mediterranean, scoring 3 direct hits on a large merchant ship which last aircraft reports sinking. 1 B-24 is lost in crash-landing at base.


Fifth AF

B-17's attack installations at Gona and shipping 75 mi E of Salamaua in Huon Gulf.


Eleventh AF

Weather and photo rcn is flown by 1 B-24 and 1 LB-30 over Korovin Bay and North Cape.


Fifth AF

1 B-17 flies unsuccessful strike against cargo vessel 5 mi S of Salamaua while another bombs Gona."


Fifth AF

P-40's strafe Oivi and Kokoda.


Eleventh AF

3 B-17's, 2 B-24's, and 1 LB-30 fly bombing and photo rcn mission to Tanaga and Kanaga and also bomb Kiska. 4 of the aircraft have mechanical trouble but all return."



B-24's strike convoy in Mediterranean during 4/5 Aug, claiming hits on 2 merchant ships.


Tenth AF

P-40's sweep Japanese HQ at Linchwan and bomb HQ buildings and barracks and strafe transports.


Eleventh AF

1 LB-30 flies a photo mission and 2 B-17's and 3 B-24's covered by 8 P-38's escort Navy tenders to Nazan Bay. 2 4-engine seaplane bmrs and a possible third are downed near Atka by 2 of the P-38's, in their first aerial combat in any theater. Weather cancels bombing mission to Kiska.


Eighth AF

VIII FC dispatches its first mission--11 aircraft of 31st Ftr Gp on a practice run over France."



Gen Brereton, in his first strategic estimate of the Middle Eastern war, indicates that the 3 major objectives for the Allied AFs are to assist in the destruction of Rommel's Afrika Korps by spt to ground troops, secure sea and air comm on and over the Mediterranean, and carry out a sustained air offensive against Italy and against oil installations at Ploesti and in the Caucasus, if the latter should fall under Axis control.


Tenth AF

Japanese aircraft again attack US A/F at Kweilin. Notified well in adv by the Chinese warning net (previously set up under Gen Chennault while he was head of AVG), P-40's meet the Japanese over the tgt, shooting down 2, and another is downed by ground fire.



B-24's hit harbor at Tobruk.


Tenth AF

B-25's bomb Tien Ho A/F, causing heavy damage to the runways and destroying several parked airplanes."


Fifth AF

B-25's and B-26's pound A/Fs at Lae and Salamaua.


Eleventh AF

3 B-24's, 2 B-17's, and 10 P-38s. provide air coverage for Navy tenders to Nazan Bay. Photo rcn is flown over Attu.



Col Harry A Halverson relinquishes cmd of Hal Bomb Sq, to be succeeded by Lt Col George F McGuire.


Fifth AF

13 B-17's of 19th Bomb Gp, led by Lt Col Richard H Carmichael, hit Vunakanau A/F in coordination with Marine landings on Guadalcanal. B-26's attack Lae, and a B-17 and a B-25 each attack a submarine in Gulf of Papua.



First Marine Div invades Guadalcanal."


Eleventh AF

3 B-24's dispatched to bomb Kiska return with their bombs due to solid overcast. 4 more B-24's also depart for Kiska. 1 turns back with mechanical trouble, the others abort mission over tgt due to undercast. 1 B-24, 4 P-38's and an LB-30 fly 2 air coverage missions at Nazan Bay for Navy tenders."


Tenth AF

B-25's hit Canton area, bombing Tien Ho A/F and other tgts in the vicinity and claiming 2 interceptors shot down.


Fifth AF

P-400's dive-bomb Kokoda and Yodda. B-17's, B-25's and B-26's bomb runways and T/Os at Lae and Salamaua."



From this date through 23 Aug, B-17's fly search mission covering the lower Solomons in order to detect any attempt to make surprise attack on the forces consolidating the Guadalcanal beachhead.


Eleventh AF

1 LB-30, 3 B-24's, and 8 P-38's on photo and bombing missions over Kiska cannot attack but Navy Catalinas also operating over and off Kiska hit freighters and transport, claiming 1 transport sinking, and score many hits on North Head and Main Camp.


Tenth AF

P-40's of the 23d Gp continue to spt Chinese ground forces by harassing the Japanese at Linchwan. 4 B-25's and 3 P-40's from Kweilin-Hengyang area, staging through Nanning, bomb docks and warehouses at Haiphong, causing considerable damage and claiming a freighter sunk in the harbor; this is first CATF raid over Indochina.


Fifth AF

B-17's bomb shipping and A/Fs at Rabaul and Gasmata while B-26's hit harbor area at Salamaua.


Eleventh AF

6 bmrs fly armed rcn over Kiska and Attu and hit Kiska.


Tenth AF

B-25's bomb Hankow. Afterwards the P-40 escorts, led by Col Robert L Scott, strike ammo dumps and military warehouses at Sienning, causing heavy destruction of material which the Japanese have accumulated to use against Hengyang and other US bases in C China.


Eleventh AF

5 B-17's and 3 B-24's bomb Kiska tgts. Ftrs and AA down 1 B-24. Only its pilot is saved.


Eighth AF

Referring to TORCH, Gen Spaatz informs Gen Arnold that, in his opinion, UK remains the only base from which air supremacy over Germany can be established.


Tenth AF

P-40's hit A/Fs at Yoyang and Nanchang from which the enemy has been attacking Hengyang.


Eleventh AF

1 B-24 flies photo rcn over W Semichi Is and N Attu coast.



Churchill and British COS, along with Harriman of US, arrive in Moscow for conference with Stalin. Stalin is told about plan for TORCH. Talks, which end on 16 Aug, also include discussion of Second Front in Europe.


Eighth AF

31st Ftr Gp at Westhampnett is declared fully operational and ready for combat operations under RAF control until it gains enough experience to be able to fight as a group. This is first US ftr unit in UK to reach this operational status.


Fifth AF

B-17's bomb shipping at Rabaul, scoring damaging hits on 3 vessels.


Eleventh AF

1 B-24 flies photo rcn over Amlia and Atka.


Fifth AF

Convoy, headed toward Basabua near Gona, with 3,000 construction troops, is attacked first by B-17's 76 mi NE of Gona, followed by B-26's 20-25 mi N of Gona, and another B-17 attack as the convoy approaches landing position. Japanese ground forces attack at Deniki, driving Allied forces back about 5 mi and firmly securing Buna-Kokoda trail.


Eleventh AF

1 B-24 flies photo rcn over Kiska.



2d Lt Joseph D Shaffer (33d Ftr Sq) and 2d Lt Elza E Shahan (27th Ftr Sq) jointly shoot down FW-200 off coast of Iceland. This is first aerial victory of AAF in ETO.



B-24's bomb Tobruk harbor during 14/15 Aug.


Fifth AF

B-17's attack shipping off Gona."


Eleventh AF

A B-24 trying to fly photo rcn over Tanaga and Adak aborts over Kiska due to weather.



AAF Foreign Serv Concentration Cmd is redesignated I Concentration Cmd.



Personnel strength is greatly increased and supply and maintenance prospects are much improved by arrival of ground echelons of 57th Ftr, 12th and 98th Bomb,and 323d Serv Gps.


Eleventh AF

A B-24 aborts photo rcn flight over Adak because of mechanical failure.


Eighth AF

12 B-17's of 97th Bomb Gp, escorted by Spitfires, launch first AAF HB attack from UK against W Europe. Tgt is Rouen-Sotteville M/Y. Sgt Kent R West shoots down German ftr, thus becoming the first Eighth AF gunner to receive credit for a combat kill. VIII GASC opens its HQ at Membury.



HQ USAMEAF announces designation of Gen Strickland as CG IX FC. B-25's of 81st Bomb Sq hit stores, depot and tank repair shops at Matruh. This marks debut ofthe MPs of the 12th Bomb Gp in ME.


Fifth AF

A single B-17 bomb's Kavieng.


Eleventh AF

1 B-24 flies photo rcn over Buldir, Kiska and Amchitka Is despite heavy rain.


Middle East

Gen Alexander assumes cmd of British imperial forces in ME.


Tenth AF

Gen Bissell becomes CG Tenth AF, relieving Gen Naiden who now devotes full time to cmd of India-China Ferry Cmd.


Fifth AF

For second consecutive day a single B-17 attacks Kavieng bombs fall in A/F dispersal area.


Eleventh AF

A B-24 takes oblique of Amchitka and Tanaga. Heavy fog over Kiska and Attu preclude armed rcn.


Eighth AF

22 B-17's drop 34 tons of bombs on Abbeville/Drucat A/F causing extensive damage. This mission is flown to occupy enemy ftrs and prevent them from opposing an invasion by over 5,000 Allied troops, mostly Canadians, who raid Dieppe. 2d Lt Samuel F Junkin Jr of 309th Ftr Sq, 31st Ftr Gp, flying a Spitfire in spt of the amphibious raid on Dieppe, shoots down a German ftr. this being the first aerial victory won by an Eighth AF ftr pilot flying from the UK.


Fifth AF

B-17's bomb shipping at Faisi on Shortland I.


Eleventh AF

Mechanical failure prevents a B-24 from flying rcn over Tanaga.


Eighth AF

Principle of coordinated day and night bombing receive its first formal definition in 'Joint British/American Directive on Day Bomber Operations involving Fighter Cooperation.' Emphasis is placed on achieving continuity in bombing offensive from UK. 11 HBs attack Longeau M/Y at Amiens, a vital point in the traffic ow between France and Germany.


Eleventh AF

1 B-24 flies photo rcn over Kiska. Patrol is flown over Shumagin I.



Twelfth AF is activated at Bolling Field."


Eighth AF

At Gen Arnold's request, Gen Eisenhower gives Gen Spaatz additional duties as Air Officer for ETOUSA and head of the air section of its staff, thus assuring active participation by Eighth AF in theater planning. 12 airplanes are dispatched to bomb shipyards at Rotterdam, but mission is aborted due to attack by 25 Me-109's and FW-190's. Lack of proper coordination with Spitfire escort is major factor in failure of mission.



B-24's from 2 sqs hit convoy SW of Crete, claiming 2 ships probably sunk. Ftrs attack straggling B-24 and force it to crashland at sea.


Eleventh AF

1 B-24 trying to fly rcn over Kiska aborts due to weather.



B-25's hit tank and motor repair shop and storage dumps at Matruh. A B-25 is mistakenly shot down by an RAF Beaufighter.


Fifth AF

B-17's bomb A/Fs at Lae and Rabaul."



First AAF airplanes, 5 P-400's of 67th Ftr Sq, arrive at Henderson Field, Guadalcanal, joining Marine aircraft which arrived earlier. These P-400's, which operate under control of Marine Aircraft Wing One, prove no match for Japanese Zeros or bmrs at high altitudes.


Eleventh AF

Photo rcn mission over Kiska is aborted due to overcast.


Sixth AF

German sub, U-654, is sunk o Panama, 12-00N 79-56W, by aircraft of 45th Bomb Sq.



XII AFSC is activated at MacDill Field, under Maj John L Cheesebrough.


Fifth AF

A lone B-17 bombs Buka I.


Eleventh AF

Fog cancels photo mission.


Eighth AF

12 HBs hit the shipyard of Ateliers et Chantiers Maritime de la Seine at Le Trait. Gen Spaatz reports RAF attitude towards US daylight precision bombing seems to be changing from one of skepticism to one of tentative approval.



B-24's attack Tobruk harbor.


Fifth AF

B-17's hit town of Gasmata and A/Fs at Rabaul. Japanese amphibious forces leave Buna in barges and New Ireland in transports, heading for Milne Bay. Barges are detected by Australian coastwatcher during the afternoon.



In the Battle of the Eastern Solomons, 7 B-17's and USN dive and torpedobmrs from the Enterprise and Saratoga attack a TF covering a transport formation heading for Guadalcanal; Navy airplanes sink the carrier Ryujo. During the night 4 warships shell the airstrip on Guadalcanal.


Eleventh AF

404th Bomb Sq begins to operate from Umnak. Photo rcn sortie is canceled due to overcast.



XII FC is assigned to Twelfth AF.


Eighth AF

Units of Prov TCC, organized in UK on 31 Jul pending arrival of VIII TCC, are transferred to VIII GASC after plans to organize VIII TCC have been abandoned.



B-25's bomb shipping and landing grounds. B-24's attack Corinth Canal.


Fifth AF

Amphibious forces bound for Milne Bay from Buna are stranded on Goodenough I when P-40's from Milne Bay destroy all of their beached barges. P-40's also attack a convoy proceeding from New Ireland toward Milne Bay but are hampered by bad weather and fail to halt landings at 3 points E of Rabi during 25/26 Aug. P-400's hit A/F and AA positions at Buna.



The invasion force sailing toward Guadalcanal (see 24 Aug) is hit hard by Marine dive bmrs 125 mi from the island at 0835. B-17's from Espiritu Santo sink the destroyer Mutsuki as it is attempting to sink the damaged transport Kinyru Maru. By noon the force is heading N in retreat. The enemy has lost about 90 aircraft in the battle.


Eleventh AF

Photo rcn airplane flies over Kiska, Attu, and Adak, then turns back because of mechanical failure.



Russians make 7 counterattacks NWof Stalingrad.


Tenth AF

B-25's, which have moved temporarily from C China to Yunnani, bomb Lashio, an important rail center, highway junction, and air base. Covering P-40's strafe numerous T/Os and shoot down at least 2 ftrs.


Fifth AF

P-40's, B-25's, B-26's, and B-17's, plus RAAF Hudsons, pound forces in Milne Bay. A large transport is damaged and most of the supplies on the beachheads E of Rabi are destroyed. P-400's strafe A/F at Buna.


Eleventh AF

Photo mission aborted over Atka due to weather.


Eighth AF

7 HBs attack Wilton shipyards on outskirts of Rotterdam. These yards, the most modern in the Netherlands, are fully employed by the Germans for servicing vessels. 92d Bomb Gp completes nonstop flight of the last of its 4 sqs from Newfoundland to UK without a loss. A CCRC, the first in Eighth AF, is established at Bovingdon.



B-24's bomb a convoy, hitting 1 merchant ship which is reported sinking.


Fifth AF

B-26's and P-400's bomb A/F at Buna while P-40's strafe beachhead and fuel dumps at Milne Bay.


Eleventh AF

4 B-17's, 6 B-24's, and 2 P-38's fly weather, rcn and patrol missions over Kiska and Atka. Enemy begins to transfer Attu garrison to Kiska, which is completed on 16 Sep 42.


Eighth AF

11 B-17's bomb airplane factory of Avions Potez at Meaulte, an important repair depot for German ftrs."



2 B-24 sqs bomb docks, shipping, and jetties in Tobruk harbor.


Tenth AF

8 B-25's hit barracks and ammo dumps at Hoang Su Phi and a fuel dump at Phu Lo. This is the largest force of MBs used by CATF to date, and the first MB mission flown without escort.


Fifth AF

B-26's pound forces at Milne Bay."


Eleventh AF

Of 3 B-17's bombing Kiska, 1 fails to return. All available B-24's and 2 flts of P-38's fly naval cover at Nazan Bay. An attack mission to Attu is canceled due to weather."



Lt Col Harold L Neely takes cmd of Twelfth AF.


Eighth AF

12 B-17's attack Courtrai/Wevelghem A/F, an FW-190 base.



B-24's fail to locate shipping near Crete and return without bombing. B-25's bomb landing ground during 29/30 Aug.


Tenth AF

B-25's pound Lashio, scoring numerous hits on the airport and starting 3 large fires in warehouse area SE of the city.


Fifth AF

B-26's and P-400's hit A/F at Buna; B-17's pound A/F at Rabaul, and P-40's hit facilities in Milne Ray area as enemy ground forces continue drive over the Owen Stanley Range toward Port Moresby.


Eleventh AF

A Navy Catalina reports force of 3 cruisers and 4 destroyed s NW of Umnak. Thereupon all aircraft of the Eleventh go on attack alert. Surface force then identifies itself as friendly.



B-24's bomb docks and jetties in Tobruk Harbor.


Tenth AF

Myitkyina, northernmost Japanese supply depot and A/F in Burma, from which ftrs could hit Dinjan (terminus of Assam-Burma Ferry), is bombed for first time by 8 China-based B-25's.


Fifth AF

B-17's attack shipping in Saint George Channel.


Eleventh AF

US troops occupy Kuluk Bay, amidst a terrific storm and start building a runway. 5 B-24's photograph Kiska but do not bomb due to overcast, and then fly patrol and photo rcn over Amchitka and Tanaga. P-38's fly patrol between Great Sitkin and Little Tanaga.


Twelfth AF

XII BC is assigned to Twelfth AF with HQ at High Wycombe.



B-25's attack aircraft on a landing ground, and B-24's raid harbor at Tobruk. P-40's of 66th Ftr Sq, 57th Gp, escort RAF bmrs during raid on Maryut. B-25's, in conjunction with RAF Bostons, attack troop concentrations and military vehicles as battle of Alam-el-Halfa begins along the El Alamein line.


Tenth AF

MBs from China bomb Myitkyina for second consecutive day.


Fifth AF

B-26's and A-20's bomb AF at Lae; B-17's bomb ammunition dump at Buna; P-400's strafe positions at Wairopi; and P-40's bomb landing barges and strafe gun positions in Milne Bay area where Australian ground forces now take the offensive.


Eleventh AF

Of 2 B-24's flying weather, rcn and patrol missions over Tanaga, 1 returns due to weather.

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