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Cantiga CSM 307 of the Cantigas de Santa Maria of Alfonso X
The Volcano that Erupted in Sicily
Folio 101 recto of codex Florencia Ms Banco Rari 20
Sicily is a fertile island, full of delightful things.
On this island there is a large mountain, called Mongibello, which can be seen from a great distance.
Sometimes it emits fire, which terrifies the people who live there.
Once a great fire began to burn in the mountain. Rain and hail fell as in a fierce winter and lightening struck the trembling earth. This went on for forty days and nights.
The Virgin appeared to a good man and told him that if they composed a song in her honour the torment would cease.
The man composed a rhyming tune and sang it with devotion. The storm was stilled and the people lost their fear.
Source: BNCF, Banco Rari 20
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