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Panel 1, Cantiga CSM 301 of the Cantigas de Santa Maria of Alfonso X
The Squire who was Freed from Prison
Folio 105 recto of codex Florencia Ms Banco Rari 20
A squire committed a crime and was imprisoned in Carrión. He lay bound in very heavy irons and chains.
He always fasted on the Virgin’s feast days and trusted in her mercy.
When the squire learned that he had been sentenced to death, he began to weep and wail, asking the Virgin to pardon his sins and to release him. He vowed to guard himself from foolishness from that time forth.
The Virgin appeared to him with a host of angels. She freed his bonds and, taking his hand, told him to leave the prison.
As he lay sleeping, the squire was released from his bonds, and when he woke up he found he was in Vilasirga.
Everyone in the church saw him suddenly appear in front of the altar, holding his irons and they all praised the Virgin.

Source: BNCF, Banco Rari 20
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