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Cantiga 176 of the Cantigas de Santa Maria of Alfonso X
The Captive in Majorca who was Freed from the Moors
When the Moors held Majorca, they captured a Christian and put his feet in irons. They also put a yoke around his neck.
The Christian captive vowed that if he were set free he would make a pilgrimage to Holy Mary of Salas bringing generous gifts, including a wax statue of her.
The Virgin made the captive drowsy and he fell asleep. She appeared to him in a vision and told him to get up and leave the prison.
She undid the lock and freed him from his bonds. She told him that his sins were forgiven.
The man woke up and found that he had been freed.
He went to Salas with the wax statue. Everyone marvelled at the miracle.

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