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Panel 3, Cantiga 154 of the Cantigas de Santa Maria of Alfonso X
The Gambler who Fired an Arrow at the Heavens (Tan grand’ amor á a Virgen)
A man was playing dice in front of a church dedicated to the Virgin in Catalonia.
Because he was losing the game, he grew so angry that he seized a cross bow, loaded it, and shot an arrow into the sky. He claimed he would hit either God or his mother.
When he had resumed the game, the arrow, covered in blood, landed in the middle of the board.
Seeing the blood, the people thought that someone had been injured by a sword or lance. But then they recalled the gambler’s words and realised that the blood was from heaven.
The gambler repented and joined a strict religious order.
When he died, he was saved and pardoned through the Virgin.

Source: RB. Patrimonio Nacional
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Individual panels of military subjects from the Cantigas de Santa Maria