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Cantiga 152 of the Cantigas de Santa Maria of Alfonso X
The Silver Bowl Filled with Bitter Liquid
A knight never went to mass or heard the hours, but he often recited the Ave Maria.
He was handsome and was a good warrior, but he was also arrogant and licentious.
He considered reforming his behaviour, but was reluctant to forego his pleasures.
The Virgin appeared to him carrying a silver bowl. It was filled with a bitter, foul-smelling, yellow liquid.
Terrified, the knight asked her to identify herself. She explained who she was and said that the silver bowl represented him: the vessel was handsome like he was, but the liquid was foul like his sinful soul, which was destined for hell.
After saying these things, the Virgin departed and the knight reformed his life. When he died, his soul went to heaven.

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