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Cantiga 123 of the Cantigas de Santa Maria of Alfonso X
The Dying Franciscan who Banished the Devils
A Franciscan, who had joined the order when he was a child and had lived a good life, approached death.
As he lay dying, his body became contorted and black. His face grew unbelievably ugly.
Another friar lit a candle of the Virgin and placed it in the dying man’s hand. The black colour faded and the monk’s face grew white, although a doctor from Montpellier had not treated him.
Nevertheless, to the sorrow of his fellow friars, he died within a few days.
The friars decided to recite the complete psalter, trusting God to reveal to them the destination of the dead friar’s soul.
The dead friar appeared to two of the brothers. He explained that before he died, his face had turned black because he had seen devils. He claimed that the candles had made the devils flee. He said that wise people would always carry some token of the Virgin and assured them that she had come to his aid.

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