Cantiga 093 of the Cantigas de Santa Maria of Alfonso X
The Leper who was Healed by the Virgin’s Milk
A burgher had a handsome son who indulged in all manner of vices.
God inflicted him with leprosy and he went to live in a hermitage.
For three years he lived a pious life, saying a thousand Ave Marias so that the Virgin would take pity on him.
The Virgin appeared to him, bared her breast, and anointed his body with her milk.
The leprosy disappeared and his skin grew back.
The man set out across the land telling how the Virgin had cured him.
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Source: upenn.edu. Reproduced from the Edición facsímil del Códice T.I.1 de la Biblioteca de San Lorenzo el Real de El Escorial, Siglo XIII. Edilán, 1979. Made available open access by the University of Pennsylvania.
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