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Cantiga 4 of the Cantigas de Santa Maria of Alfonso X
The Murdered Jewish Boy
A Jewish boy named Abel, the son of a glassmaker, went to school with Christians. At Easter, he went to church with the other pupils and saw the abbot giving them communion.
It seemed to him as if the Virgin on the altar were giving them the sacrament. He lined up to receive communion and the Virgin gave it to him.
He returned home and told his father what he had done.
His father was enraged and threw him into a furnace. His mother, Rachel, screamed and ran into the street. People came to her aid.
The Virgin protected the boy in the midst of the flames, just as her Son had protected Hananiah, Azariah and Mishael [in the fiery furnace].
The Jewish boy was baptised at once, his mother converted to Christianity, and his father was thrown into the furnace.
List of Cantigas de Santa Maria