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Trier Apocalypse
Carolingian, Tours, France, 1st quarter 9th century. Stadtbibliothek Trier Cod. 31.
Datierung: 9. Jh., 1. Viertel
Blattzahl: 74
Beschreibstoff: Pergament
Besonderheiten: Enthält die Apokalypse des Neuen Testaments. (sog. Trierer Apokalypse) Die Schrift weist in den Umkreis von Tours. Zu jeder Seite eine ganzseitige, meist farbig gefasste Miniatur. Federzeichnungen, zum Teil beschädigt, auf Blatt 74v und Nachblatt I. Schrift von mehreren Händen des 9. Jh. Einfache rote und schwarze Initialen.
Date: 9th century, 1st quarter
Number of sheets: 74
Writing material: parchment
Special features: Contains the Apocalypse of the New Testament. (so-called Trier Apocalypse) The script indicates in the circle of Tours. On each page a full-page, mostly coloured miniature. Pen and ink drawings, partly damaged, on folio 74v and after-page I. Script of several hands of the 9th century. Simple red and black initials.
Source: Bibliothek des Bischöflichen Priesterseminars, Bistumsarchiv, Stadtbibliothek Trier
'Trier Apocalypse', Carolingian, 8th-9th century. Folio 10v, Stadtbib. Cod. 31
'Trier Apocalypse', Carolingian, 8th-9th century. Folio 30, Stadtbib. Cod. 31
'Trier Apocalypse', Carolingian, 8th-9th century. Folio 37, Stadtbib. Cod. 31
'Trier Apocalypse', Carolingian, 8th-9th century. Folio 47, Stadtbib. Cod. 31
'Trier Apocalypse', Carolingian, 8th-9th century. Folio 63, Stadtbib. Cod. 31
See also Carolingian Huntsmen, late 8th-early 9th Century, Nationalbibliothek Vienna
Other Carolingian Illustrations of Costume and Soldiers
Carolingian Arms and Armor in the Ninth Century by Simon Coupland
9th Century Illustrations of Costume and Soldiers