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Illustrations depicting 10-11th Century French Costume & Soldiers from
Dijon - Bibliothèque Municipale - ms. 448
Recueil d'astronomie, c.1000AD, France
The Constellations Auriga & Cepheus

Constellation : le Cocher / Constellation : Céphée, f. 68v
The Constellation Gemini

Constellation : les Gémeaux, f. 65v
Source: Enluminures
Auriga is referenced on p.47, Carolingian Cavalryman AD 768-986 by D. Nicolle
‘Agitator’ in a French Book of Constellations made around 1000 has been given full armour with a segmented helmet, a substantial mail hauberk, a winged spear and a round shield. (Bib. Munic., Ms. 488, 1. 68v, Dijon, France)
Other 10th Century Illustrations of Costume & Soldiers
Other Carolingian Illustrations of Costume and Soldiers