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David and Goliath portrayed as Carolingian Soldiers.
Psalter, Stavelot, Southern Netherlands, c.980-1007AD.
f.64v, British Library Add MS 1804.

Add MS 18043
Date: 4th quarter of the 10th century - 1st quarter of the 11th century
Title: Psalter with commentary in Latin
Content: This manuscript from the Benedictine abbey of Stavelot in the diocese of Liège contains a Psalter with commentary.
It also contains songs for the liturgy (canticles), a litany of saints, including St Remaclus, the founder of Stavelot (c. 650), and an exposition on the Athanasian Creed.
It is part of a group of manuscripts that was produced around the year 1000, probably during the abbacy of Ravanger II (r. 980-1007), and illuminated in a distinct Mosan style.
Decoration: 2 historiated initials on painted grounds within full-page borders, of David and Goliath and a crowned figure, at the beginning of Psalms 51 and 101 (ff. 64v and 114r).
Origin: Stavelot, Southern Netherlands (now in Belgium).
Source: British Library Add MS 18043
Referenced as figure 17 in Ancient Armour and Weapons in Europe, by John Hewitt (1860)
17. Figure of Goliath, from a Latin Psalter of the tenth century in the British Museum: Additional MS., No. 18,043.
The hauberk is coloured blue in the original, apparently indicating chain-mail. The curious combed helmet is of the same hue, clearly implying a defence of iron.
See also a Carolingian Soldier with Kite Shield in the ornate letter at the start of Deuteronomy, Northern France, 976-1000AD. Bibliothèque nationale de France, Latin 46.
Other 10th Century Illustrations of Costume and Soldiers
Carolingian Illustrations of Costume and Soldiers