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BnF Ms. Latin 8318, 9th century
contains fragments of a number of manuscripts.
Aurelius Clementis Prudentius, Psychomachia
folio 52v lower
Betrayal of the army of the righteous

Luxuriae seruire uolens dominaeque fluentis
iura pati et laxa ganearum lege teneri.
Prudentius (born in 348 in northern Spain, died after 405) spent most of his life following worldly pursuits, but later turned to writing, in which he aimed to glorify God and atone for his earlier sins.
One of his most popular works is a poem called Psychomachia (Conflict of the Soul), which describes the battles between female personifications of human virtues and vices.
Auctor incertus, Tractatus de vitiis et virtutibus
Author uncertain, treatise on the vices and the virtues
folio 53v lower right
Of Avarice Good-Works

54r lower
Of Sadness

54v upper
Of Apathy

folio 54v lower
Of Vainglory

Allegoriae et Hymni
Allegories and Hymns
folio 55r

Source: BnF Ms. Latin 8318
From a volume with four fragments of various manuscripts, the 2nd of which contains Aurelius Clementis Prudentius, Psychomachia (f. 49-64).
Anicius Manlius Severinus Boethius, Consolatio philosophiae (excerpta, 49va ; 56v).
Aurelius Clementis Prudentius, Psychomachia (49vb-52v, 58r-63v);
Peristephanon libri Hymnus III (56r).
Auctor incertus, Tractatus de vitiis et virtutibus (53r-54v).
Allegoriae et Hymni (55r-57v).
Date: 9th Century
Contributeur : Evagrius Ponticus
Contributeur : Eugenia. Copiste
Bibliothèque nationale de France, Département des Manuscrits, Latin 8318
Other Prudentius' Psychomachia manuscripts
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