Psautier de Corbie Corbie Psalter
Date: Beginning of the 9th century
Origin: Abbaye Saint-Pierre, Corbie, Picardie, Northern France
Bibliotèque Municipale Amiens Ms. 18
Source: Enluminures
Folio 67r is referenced on p.24, The Age of Charlemagne (Men-at-Arms 150) by D.Nicolle, A.McBride
A 9th-century French Psalter showing an unarmoured warrior wearing either a spangenhelm or perhaps a fluted helmet. (Ms.18, f.67, Bib. Munic., Amiens)
Referenced on p.49, Carolingian Cavalryman AD 768-986 by D. Nicolle
The miniatures in the Corbie Psalter are generally believed to have been made in 9th century northern France. However, several aspects of the arms, armour, costume and artistic style seem to reflect influence from western Islamic miniature painting. (Ms. 18, Bib. Municipale, Amiens, France)