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Carolingian soldiers in the

Corbie Psalter
Beginning of the 9th century, Northern France

f11r Initial D of Psalm 13 (14)

f118v Initial B of Psalm 143 (144)
In the lower register, the warrior,
on foot, touches his forehead.
Cf. David and Goliath?

f29v Soldier designating the text
Initial I Psalm 34 (35)
helmet, shield, lance.

f67r soldier menacing a lion and a zoomorphic hybrid devouring each other
Psalm 75 (76)
The shield forms the second letter of the first word of the psalm "Notus".

f95r Hunting birds with a bow
Initial B of Psalm 111 (112)

f106r Soldier
Initial A Psalm 119 (120)
Warrior attacking an animal whose head is still visible on the shield?

f108v Man leading a zoomorphic hybrid
Initial Q of Psalm 124 (125)
Man, reins and whip in hand, standing on the animal's scaly body.

f26v Horseman attacking a zoomorphic hybrid
Miniature at the start of Psalm 31 (32)
Under the horse, traces of a body like that of the monster in f. 46.

f123v David and Goliath
Initial P Psalm 151
Devil, crying, on the helmet of Goliath and God's hand between the two fighters.

Psautier de Corbie Corbie Psalter
Date: Beginning of the 9th century
Origin: Abbaye Saint-Pierre, Corbie, Picardie, Northern France
Bibliotèque Municipale Amiens Ms. 18
Source: Enluminures

Folio 67r is referenced on p.24, The Age of Charlemagne (Men-at-Arms 150) by D.Nicolle, A.McBride
A 9th-century French Psalter showing an unarmoured warrior wearing either a spangenhelm or perhaps a fluted helmet. (Ms.18, f.67, Bib. Munic., Amiens)

Referenced on p.49, Carolingian Cavalryman AD 768-986 by D. Nicolle
The miniatures in the Corbie Psalter are generally believed to have been made in 9th century northern France. However, several aspects of the arms, armour, costume and artistic style seem to reflect influence from western Islamic miniature painting. (Ms. 18, Bib. Municipale, Amiens, France)

See also:
Carolingian Arms and Armor in the Ninth Century by Simon Coupland
Archer & Javelinman in, folio 15v, the Ebbon Gospels, France, 817-834AD
Ivory Book Cover of Charles the Bald, France, c.860
Carolingian Illustrations of Costume and Soldiers
Other 9th Century Illustrations of Costume & Soldiers