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Paintings of Italian Soldiers of the early to mid 15th Century
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A Naval Battle by Spinello Aretino, Palazzo Pubblico in Siena, 1406-7

On The Way To Calvary by Fra Angelico
painted 1438-1445

Fresco Museo di San Marco, Florence
Soldiers with large shields - mozaic on a wall of the Cappella Palatina, Palermo, Sicily

Niccolo di Giovanni Ventura, 1443
La scoufitta di Montaperti

The rout of San Romano 1432 series by Paolo Uccello
painted 1440-1450

Horatius Cocles Defending the Sublician Bridge (cassone panel)
by Francesco Pesellino, Florence, Italy, ca. 1450

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Italian Illustrations of Costume & Soldiers