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'Hesperides' by Basinio de' Basini of Parma

Country or nationality of origin: Italian
Place of origin: Rimini
Date: 1457-1468
Meeting of Sigismondo and the envoys from Florence: Sigismondo in armour and with laurels in his hair, on horseback, bends down to shake hands with the unarmed and dismounted envoys. On the left, trumpeters with the Malatesta elephant crest (scarcely visible) on their banners face trumpeters with the red fleur-de-lys banner of Florence, on the right. Riders and dogs in the foreground (one rider losing his hat), Florence in the background.
Previous: Hesperides: Sigismondo Malatesta's army on the march Next: Hesperides: Sigismondo’s triumphal entry into Florence
Back to 'Hesperides' by Basinio de' Basini of Parma, Rimini, Italy, 1457-1468AD. Bodleian Library, Oxford, MS. Canon. Class. Lat. 81.