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'Hesperides' by Basinio de' Basini of Parma

Country or nationality of origin: Italian
Place of origin: Rimini
Date: 1457-1468
Fighting around Populonia: Tents, trumpeters, lancers, pikemen, archers with crossbows, and catapult.
Sigismondo’s army breaks down the walls of the fortified town and enters Populonia by scaling ladders.
In top corner, his lancers meet four galleys; horse led to galley by man on gangplank.
Initial N(EC minus interea), putto in white vine-stem border with naturalistic flowers.
See a photo of the Keep of the Castle of Populonia - Costa degli Etruschi, Piombino (Livorno)
Previous: Hesperides: Alfonso’s fleet sets sail for Africa Next: Hesperides: Entry of Sigismondo into Populonia
Back to 'Hesperides' by Basinio de' Basini of Parma, Rimini, Italy, 1457-1468AD. Bodleian Library, Oxford, MS. Canon. Class. Lat. 81.