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Diebold Schilling: Amtliche Berner Chronik
Diebold Schilling: Official Bernese Chronicle, 1478-1483
Volume 2:
The first troop from Zurich to Oberland, May 1437
Volume 3:
Cavalry attack on Schaffhausen, 1467
Swiss cavalry attack the Austrians at Mulhouse, 1467
The Confederates march to Mulhouse, 1468
Battle of the River Ill, 1468
The remaining Confederates march under their banners. Uri, Schwyz, Unterwalden, Lucerne, Zug, Glarus, Zurich, Basel. Uri with horn, Zurich with bagpipe, 1476
Berne, Fribourg, Solothurn and Biel move from Morat (Murten) to Neuenburg, 1476
The Duke of Burgundy puts a garrison into Schloss Vaumarcus, 1476
The Strassburgers send their gunsmith with artillery to Morat (Murten), 1476
Arrival of the cavalry of Basel, Strasbourg and other places, 1476
Arrival of the Count of Gruyère with infantry and cavalry, 1476
Arrival of the reinforcements of Zurich with banners and pennons, 1476
Battle of Murten (Morat), 1476. The Confederates break through the Grünhag. Escape of the Burgundian cavalry
The Burgundians Besiege Morat (Murten), 1476.
The Burgundian flags captured at Grandson and Morat (Murten) are brought into the cathedral in Bern, 1476
Diebold Schilling: Amtliche Berner Chronik
Manuscript title: Diebold Schilling: Official Bernese Chronicle
Place of origin: Bern
Date of origin: 1478-1483
Location: Bern, Switzerland
Library / Collection: Burgerbibliothek
Language: German
Manuscript Summary: The Amtliche Berner Chronik (Official Chronicle of Bern) was commissioned by the city of Bern in 1474.
About ten years later, Diebold Schilling was able to present the city council with this three-volume work, with its title pages in color, decorative initials,
and more than six hundred large illustrations.
The third, artistically richest volume contains Schilling’s own description of the Burgundian wars, together with that of the preceding period, up to the year 1480.
It is closely related to the Grosse Burgunderchronik (Great Burgundian Chronicle) currently held by the Zentralbibliothek Zürich.
The work remained in the possession of the Bern Chancellery for nearly three hundred years before the volumes were given to the City Library in 1762.
Manuscript Title: Diebold Schilling, Amtliche Berner Chronik
Shelfmarks: Volume 1: Mss.h.h.I.1, Volume 2: Mss.h.h.I.2, Volume 3: Mss.h.h.I.3
Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Mss.h.h.I.3: Diebold Schilling, Amtliche Berner Chronik, vol. 3
Volume 3: Parchment · 472 ff. · 38 x 27.5–28 cm
Swiss Illustrations of Costume and Soldiers