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Scenes from the Life of St. James, Pistoia Cathedral, 1376
Click on panels 5 to 8 for detail images.

Photos by Hugh McDonald.
Panels from the side of the silver altar-piece in Pistoia Cathedral completed by Francesco di Niccolò and Leonardo di Ser Giovanni of Florence in 1376.
Panel 5. Scenes from the Life of St. James, silver altar-piece in Pistoia Cathedral by Francesco di Niccolò and Leonardo di Ser Giovanni
Panel 6. Scenes from the Life of St. James, silver altar-piece in Pistoia Cathedral by Francesco di Niccolò and Leonardo di Ser Giovanni
Panel 7. Scenes from the Life of St. James, silver altar-piece in Pistoia Cathedral by Francesco di Niccolò and Leonardo di Ser Giovanni
Panel 8. Scenes from the Life of St. James, silver altar-piece in Pistoia Cathedral by Francesco di Niccolò and Leonardo di Ser Giovanni
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