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f.10r, Greeks Battle Trojans
Historia destructionis Troiae by Guido de Columnis, Venice, c.1370
Cod. Bodmer 78, Cologny, Switzerland.

A larger image of f.10r, Greeks Battle Trojans, in 'Historia destructionis Troiae' by Guido de Columnis, Manuscript, Venice, Italy, c.1370. Fondation Martin Bodmer, Cod. Bodmer 78, Cologny, Switzerland.
Cologny, Fondation Martin Bodmer, Cod. Bodmer 78
Parchment · 88 ff. · 32.5 x 23 cm · Italy, Venice · 14th century (around 1370?)
Guido de Columnis, Historia destructionis Troiae
Languages: Latin, Italian
Manuscript Summary: This 14th century parchment manuscript preserves the "Historia destructionis Troiae" by Guido de Columnis for posterity.
Its 187 miniatures crafted by Giustino da Forlė portray the most important scenes of the Trojan War against a background of the Gothic architecture of Venice.
The margins of the manuscript reveal written traces of the collaborative efforts of the copyist and the illuminator:
the scribe made notes in Venetian dialect indicating the plan for incorporating a series of miniature illustrations, which were then duly added by the illuminator. (fmb)
Source: e-codices
Back to illustrations of Italian Soldiers of the mid to late 14th Century
See also Papal Italian Infantryman with pavise c.1375, in Armies of the Middle Ages, volume 1 by Ian Heath