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14th Century Illustrations of Costume & Soldiers on

The Courtrai Chest

The Flemish line of battle during the Battle of the Golden Spurs

Previous: A French knight at the Battle of the Golden Spurs      Next: The arrival of Guy of Namur and William of Jülich at Bruges
The Flemish line of battle. At far right we see the packed wall of pikes into which the French knights will crash. Behind these pikes are the crossbowmen and the rest of the town militias. Above the Flemish army fly the banners of Guy of Namur, William of Jülich, Henry of Lontzen, the town guilds and Pieter de Coninck. The two large figures on the right are again Guy of Namur and William of Jüllich.
Back to the smaller image of the Flemish line of battle during the Battle of the Golden Spurs.