The Morgan Crusader Bible of Louis IX
or Maciejowski Bible
or The Bible of Shah Abbas

Ms Morgan 638, folio 36r

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David's Response:
David, having wept and mourned the entire day for Saul and Jonathan, gathers his composure and turns to deal with the messenger who killed Saul. He is furious that the man unashamedly and without fear slew the king, the Lord's anointed, and so orders his death. The messenger kneels in an attitude of prayer as his executioner aims a second blow at his neck. (2 Samuel 1:13–16)

David Anointed King of Judah:
The man praying in the foreground converses with the Lord. According to the biblical text, this should be David, but the figure depicted does not resemble him. David, his wives, and followers go to Hebron in accordance with the Lord's will. There, David is met by men of Judah and anointed king. A priest pours the sacred oil on the head of the new king, and he is presented with the crown. (2 Samuel 2:1–4)

Ishbosheth Made King of Israel:
Saul's son Ishbosheth still lives, and Abner, Saul's general, makes him king of Israel. Abner, guiding the king's horse, presents the new king to men of the tribes of Israel; only the house of Judah withholds support, for they follow David. The Latin and Persian scribes who later added inscriptions to the Picture Bible misunderstood this scene as the acclamation of David by the men of Judah. (2 Samuel 2:8–10)

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