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The Morgan Crusader Bible of Louis IX
or Maciejowski Bible
or The Bible of Shah Abbas

Ms Morgan 638, folio 29r

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Saul's Envy:
Saul is enraged and envious when the victorious David, bearing the head of Goliath, receives greater praise than he. "Saul slew his thousands," the Israelite women sing, "and David his ten thousands." (1 Samuel 18:6–9)

Later, as David plays for Saul, the evil spirit re-enters the king's ear. Saul aims a spear at David, who neatly steps aside and avoids the blow. Now, the king is sure that the Lord has given his favour to David. (1 Samuel 18:10–11)

A Dangerous Post:
His fear of David mounting, Saul schemes to rid himself of the young warrior by bestowing upon him the dangerous duty of captaining a thousand men. (1 Samuel 18:12–14)

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