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Chartres Cathedral window w. 7 (Delaport 38)
The story of Charlemagne
Panel 4 Charlemagne fights the Saracens
This window was made and installed between 1205 and 1240.
It is situated in the south east corner of the North Choir aisle.
Referenced as figure 581 in The military technology of classical Islam by D Nicolle
581. Stained glass windows, "Moors, " The Legend of Roland and Oliver, 12th century AD, French, in situ, Cathedral, Chartres.
Vol 1, pp. 190-191: The jawshan consisted of a separate sheet of laced lamellar for the body with other smaller sheets to protect the arms, hips or thighs. 158
The torso-piece could be worn on its own159 when it may have corresponded to the 10th century kamarband.
In fact, the term jawshan may well have originally meant a protection for the breast or trunk. 160
In al Andalus the jawshan was probably rare, despite its clear representation on a 12th century stained
158. Usāmah ibn Munqidh, op cit., p. 52; al Aqṣarā'ī, op cit., pp. 321-322.
159. Al Aqṣarā'ī, op cit., p: 322.
160. Bivar "Cavalry Equipment and Tactics on the Euphrates Frontier," p. 275; Schwarzlose, op cit., p. 338.
glass window at Chartres illustrating the Song of Roland (Fig. 581).
It was, however, certainly known, as indicated by Ibn Hudhayl in the 14th century who described it as an armour with no backing, 161 indicating that it was clearly not of scales.
161. Ibn Hudhayl, op cit., pp. 264- 268.
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