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The Four Horsemen of the Apocalyse
Beatus of Liébana, Las Huelgas Apocalypse, Spain, 1220AD, Morgan MS M.429, folio 71v

A larger image of The Four Horsemen of the Apocalyse, Beatus of Liébana, Las Huelgas Apocalypse, Spain, 1220, Morgan MS M.429, folio 71v.
Opening Of The First Four Seals: The Four Horsemen of the Apocalyse
The Lamb is in the circle at the top; the four evangelists: upper left, Mark (lion); upper right, Matthew (man); lower right, John (eagle); lower left, Luke (ox).
Note the conical and flat topped helmets with nasal, long stirrups and spurs.
And I saw that the Lamb had opened one of the seven seals.
And I heard one of the four living creatures saying, "Draw near and see."
And I saw a white horse, and the rider was holding a bow, and a crown was given to him, and he went forth conquering. And when he opened the second seal, the second living creature spoke.
And a red horse went forth, and it was granted to its rider that he would take peace from the earth, and that they would kill one another.
And a great sword was given to him. And when he opened the third seal, the third living creature spoke. And he saw a black horse, and its rider was holding a balance in his hand.
And when he opened the fourth seal, the fourth living creature spoke. And I saw a pale horse, and the rider's name was Death, and Hell was following him.
And authority was given to him over the four parts of the earth, to destroy by the sword, by famine, and by death. (Rev. 6:1-8)
As the lamb opens each of the seals, one of the living creatures takes John by the hand and lifts him into the air.
Curiously, the first two horsemen seem to fight one another; they wear helmets with nose protectors.
The other two horsemen have halos. Hell is shown as a hairy blue figure, deriving from the belief that demons were made of air.
End: Darius lies sleepless Next: Sixth Trumpet: The Army Of Horsemen On Lion-Headed Horses
Back to Beatus of Liébana, Las Huelgas Apocalypse, Spain, 1220
See also The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse in the Roda Bible, c.1050-1100AD
The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse in the Beatus de Saint-Sever, SW France, before 1072AD