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Knights on a Bronze and gilt fragment from a Temple Pyx,
possibly German, mid 12th century
A | B | C |
Size overall: 92 mm x 73 mm. Source: Glasgow Museums
Referenced on p.18, ELI 009, The Normans by David Nicolle
'Guards at the Holy Sepulchre': copper alloy plaque, English, c. 1140-50. (Burrell Coll., Glasgow)
Referenced on p.62, Arms and Armour of the Crusading Era, 1050-1350, Western Europe and the Crusader States by David Nicolle
133A-C Fragment of a copper-alloy pyx, England, early 12th century
(Burrell Collection, nos.5 and 6/139, Glasgow Museums and Art Galleries, Glasgow, Scotland)
Three sleeping guards at the Holy Sepulchre are shown with typical early 12th century equipment.
Their kite-shaped shields are very long with large bosses, and in one case (A) the beginnings of a flattened top.
Though heraldry was in its infancy it is worth noting that the central figure (B) seems to have the pattern on his shield repeated on his helmet.
The other two warriors also have designs on their helmets which are, at least in one case (C),
unlikely to indicate a method of construction and must therefore be painted.
The helmets are quite pointed, conical types with large nasals broadened towards the base.
The mail hauberks have long, narrow sleeves but as yet no mittens.
One man carries a spear (A) and all three have swords, the scabbards of which are visible outside their hauberks.
This strongly suggests that they are hung from sword-belts, as no baldrics are visible.
See also Liber ad honorem Augusti by Pietro da Eboli, Sicily, c.1197AD
Other Illustrations of 12th century Costume & Soldiers