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Illustrations from the

Navarre Picture Bible
(Illustrated Bible of King Sancho)
Pamplona, Spain, 1197AD

Although the stories portrayed in the illustrations are ancient, the figures wear 12th century Navarrese costume.

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6v. Battle of the four kings against the five kings.
7. Abraham defeats the four kings
46. The Hebrews depart Egypt
46v. Pharaoh and his army in pursuit of the Hebrews
50v. Battle against Amalek
72v. Gideon's men armed with torches, horns and jars to defeat Midian
82v. Israel's victory over the Ammonites at Jabesh
83. War against the Amalekites
84v. Goliath on horse
85. David offering Saul to fight Goliath
85v. Goliath
86. David
90v. David returning from the campaign against the Amalekites
91. Battle of Mount Gilboa
99. The army riding in the battle against Absalom
99. The death of Absalom
99v. David asking for water from three chiefs
100. David pouring water from the three doughty chiefs in libation
100. David with one of his chief warriors
143v. Holofernes and his army riding to Bethulia
147. Tobit taken captive to Nineveh by Shalmaneser
152v. Sennacherib and his army riding into a city of Judah
153. Jehoiachin and his family taken captive to Babylon
169v. Massacre of the Innocents
193v. Sleeping guards at the sepulchre
202. Saint Michael slaying the dragon
249v. Invasion of Gog and Magog
250v. Battles announcing the end of the world

Source: Bibliothèque d'Amiens Métropole MS.108

Referenced as figure 531 in The military technology of classical Islam by D Nicolle

531A to 531O. Manuscript, A - "Pursuit of Abraham," B - "Sacrifice of Isaac," C - "Pharoah's Army," D - "Pharoah's Army," E - "Israelites and Amalekites," F - "Goliath," G - "Goliath," H - "Saul throws a spear," I - "David cuts Saul's Hem," J - "Philistines defeat Saul," K - "Slaughter of the Priests of Baal," L - "Companion strikes the Prophet," M - "Death of Ahab," N - "Guards at the Tomb," [& "Betrayal 1" "Betrayal 2"] O - "Gog and Magog," Bible of King Sancho 1197 AD, Spanish, Bib. Munic., Ms. 108, ff. 7r, 12r [11v], 46v, 49r, 50v, 85v, 86v, 87v, 89v, 91r, 111v, 113v, 119v[r], [191v, 184r] and 249v, Amiens (War).

See also Pole-Arms for cut and thrust by David Nicolle, an extract from The military technology of classical Islam

Other Spanish Illustrations of Costume & Soldiers
12th Century Illustrations of Costume & Soldiers
Index of Illustrations of Costume & Soldiers