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Liber ad honorem Augusti by Pietro da Eboli, c.1197
Folio 117r. Assault by the Salerni on the Terracina Palace, Salerno. /
The Empress Constance prays.

Assalto dei sollevati al palazzo Terracina di Salerno. / L'imperatrice Costanza mentre prega.
Previous: The people of Salerno attack the palace wherein dwells Empress Constance. The Empress talks to the Salerni.
Next: The Empress Constance in prayer. / Constance prisoner of Elia di Gisualdo
Back to the smaller image of 'Assault by the Salerni on the Terracina Palace, Salerno. / The Empress Constance prays', in Liber ad honorem Augusti by Pietro da Eboli, Sicily, c.1197.