Reconquest and Crusade in Medieval Spain (The Middle Ages Series) by Joseph F. O'Callaghan | ![]() Detail of the pursuit of the Philistines. Source. |
El Archivo Capitular de la Colegiata de San Isidoro cuenta entre sus tesoros con una Biblia visigótico-mozárabe realizada por Florencio y Sancho en el año 960. Cuenta con 517 folios y ricas ilustraciones. En el siglo XII anónimos copistas reprodujeron las mismas miniaturas en una Biblia de 3 volúmenes con 617 folios en letra carolina. La técnica y el estilo de la miniatura corresponden a época románica.
The Chapter Archive of San Isidoro Collegiate counts among its treasures a Visigothic-Mozarabic Bible by Florentius and Sanctius in 960. It has 517 pages and rich illustrations. In the twelfth century anonymous copyists reproduced the same miniatures in a Bible of three volumes with 617 pages in carolina font. The technique and style of miniature correspond to the Romanesque period.
Referenced on p.16, The Moors - The Islamic West - 7th-15th Centuries AD by David Nicolle:
David and Goliath (top), and an Israelite army defeating the Philistines, in a Spanish illustrated Bible made in AD 1162. At a time when the Philistines were almost invariably shown as Muslims in Western European art, this illustrated Bible has both sides equipped in the same manner. Both carry round shields, wear long-sleeved mail hauberks, usually with mail coifs, and are armed with lances and straight swords.
Referenced on pp.153-154, Arms and Armour of the Crusading Era, 1050-1350, Western Europe and the Crusader States by David Nicolle
387A-F Biblia Segunde de San Isidoro de León, Spain, 1162
(Real Colegiata Basilica de San Isidoro, León, Spain)
Here Goliath and the Philistines noticeably lack kite-shaped shields. They are otherwise equipped much like Northern European warriors except for some of the helmets. That of Goliath is a conical type with a typically 12th-century forward-angled crown. However, another figure (D) has the down-curved rim and neckguard seen elsewhere in northern Spain. Another (F) appears to be simply a mail cap over some kind of presumably padded hat. Though rare, such a form of protection is seen elsewhere in Spain, though not very clearly; also in France being worn by a Saracen, and in Iran.