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Illustration from the:
Rylands Beatus
Commentary on the Apocalypse by Beatus of Liébana, copy of c.1175
Folio 131v. Angel Attacks Locusts

Folio 131v: Angel attacks locusts (horned beasts with nimbuses and tails).
Three more locusts, each stinging a man with his tail.
Physical Location: The John Rylands Library
Classmark: Latin MS 8
Subject(s): Bible. Revelation; Bible--commentaries
Origin Place: Spain
Date of Creation: end of 12th or start of 13th century
Former Owner(s): Bachelin-Deflorenne, Antoine, b. 1835; Quaritch, Bernard, 1819-1899
Extent: ff. 254 (iii+249+ii) Leaf height: 454 mm, width: 326 mm.
University of Manchester Library, Latin MS 8
Previous: The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse Next: The army on lion-headed horses
Back to the smaller image of Angel Attacks Locusts, from the Rylands Beatus. University of Manchester Library, Latin Ms 8.